341.) How much time do you spend on your appearance in the morning?: not a lot
342.) Do you wear makeup regularly?: repetitive... I think I answered this already
343.) If so, what?: …. *pulls out bow and quiver of arrows*
344.) Are your looks important to you?: w/e
345.) Do you want to change the way you look?: on occasion
346.) What would you change?: *nocks arrow*
347.) How do you usually wear your hair?: down
348.) Do you dye your hair?: I want to
349.) Do you straighten you hair?: my hair is naturally straight
350.) What color is your hair naturally?: black
351.) What is your eye color?: brown...
352.) Do you wear colored contacts?: no
353.) Do you look like your parents?: yes
354.) Is that good or bad?: go figure that out yourself somewhere over there... *points to other side of the world*
355.) Do you turn strange colors sometimes?: ara?
356.) Why?: dude....
357.) Do you have any piercings?: nope
358.) Any tattoos?: nope
359.) Ever gotten a makeover?: nope
360.) Do you experiment a lot with new looks?: why would I ever be that bored to do that...
361.) Have you ever been out of the country?: I was born out of the country
362.) Out of your state?: see above
363.) Out of your city?: -_-;;
364.) Do you go on a vacation every year?: used to
365.) If so, to where and for how long?:ionno... a week at most?
366.) Have you ever ridden in a plane?: yup
367.) In a boat?: yup
368.) Do you visit relatives that live far away from you at all?: is Pennsyvania far?
369.) On average, every week how many miles do you travel?: I'm not bored enough to count
370.) Do you drive?: I can...
371.) Favorite car?: chosing cars is overrated
372.) Color for that car?: Silver, or dark blue
373.) Do you have your liscense?:mhmm
374.) Permit?: no... I skipped right to the license part -_-;
375.) Do you like fast cars?: as long as I'm not in them and they don't crash into me
376.) How long do you sleep each night on average?: what is this "sleep" that you talk about?
377.) Is this enough?: sure
378.) Do you dream every night?: probably... doesn't mean I remember any of it
379.) Describe a weird dream you had: erm... I had one where I wanted new sneakers but couldn't find the right pair....
380.) Do you sleep in awkward positions?: define awkward...
381.) Do you sleep in school?: I sleep through Geog class and barely prevent myself from sleeping throughout English
382.) If so, do you wake up with different patterns all over your face from whatever you were laying on?: probably...
383.) What position do you usually wake up in?: on my side
389.) Does your alarm clock wake you up?: everyday at 7
390.) What kind of alarm clock do you have?: radio
Going Out
391.) How often do you go to parties?: rarely...
392.) Are you a crazy party hopper?: quiet you/!
393.) Do you like wild parties with lots of people?: no
394.) Are you a social butterfly?: ...no...
395.) Do you go clubbing?: once for afterprom so leave me alone!
396.) Ever been drunk?: I think beer smells like crap... go figure
397.) Ever get kicked out of a party?: no
398.) For what?: *pulls arrow back and takes aim*
399.) Do you throw a lot of parties?: …
400.) Do you go to the mall a lot?: not really
401.) Do you go out with a lot of friends?: sure
402.) Do you like going to arcades?: just to watch people get their asses kicked by the l337 gamers that spend half of their life there
403.) Is DDR a cool game?: yup... some pple are craaaaazy at it
404.) What about those racing games?: naw
405.) How many parties have you been to in the last 3 months?: *shrug* define party..
406.) How many formal dances have you been to in the last year or so?: dances? psh...
407.) Do you dress up when you go out?: haha... you're funny
408.) Do you go to see a lot of movies on the weekend?: occasionally
409.) Who has the best parties?: a party is a party...
Dating and Stuff
410.) Are you involved romantically with anyone right now?: nope... single and loving it
412.) Do you wish you were with someone right now?: ^ see above
413.) Do you have a secret crush?: I secretly pine for Hugh Laurie...who is almost the same age as my dad T_T
414.) Who?:... I'm beggining to question your intellegence
415.) Do they know?: Hugh Laurie doesn't have a clue :)... are you going to tell him?
416.) How many people have you dated in the passed year?: none
417.) Kissed?: none
418.) Do you know what 143 means?: V right there...
419.) How many people have you said “I love you” to?: as in the term "we still love you" to friends... lost count... 5?
420.) Did you mean it?: sure hope so
421.) If you didn’t mean in, why did you bother saying it?: yay for obliviousness!
422.) Do you say I Love You to your friends all the time?: when they say they feel left out... but that is repeating question 419
423.) Where do you go out on dates?: I don't have anyone to go on a date on with so no
424.) Whats the most fun date you ever had?: grr.... ^
425.) If you break up with someone do you cry your heart out while listening to breakup songs and then in an hour you’re fine again with a new love-buddy?: dude....
Who Would Win In a Fight?
426.) Britney or Christina: Christina would kick Britney and KFed's ass
427.) Justin or JC: JC, Justin is... well you know... Tomo can kick both of their pansy asses :3
428.) Frodo or Sam: If it was anyone else but Frodo Sam might win but Frodo wins this one because Sam wouldn't touch a hair on Frodo's head
429.) B2K or Nsync: B2K. cuz they have more street cred?
430.) Cartman or Bart Simpson: Bart can run faster...
431.) Dracula or Frankenstein: Van Helsing Dracula that can turn into a man sized bat with huge fangs or normal Dracula... cuz the Van Helsing version totally kicks ass
432.) Triumph or Simon Cowell: haha you man a verbal fight?? HOUSE
433.) Conan or Jay: don't know about this one....
434.) Rosie O’Donnell or Boy George: Boy George is toast,,,
435.) Carmen Electra or Pamela Anderson: good question... I bet guys would pay sooo much to watch them have a go at each other...
436.) Tommy Lee or the guy whos married to Carmen Electra right now: Tommy can beat Dave Navarro's ass
437.) Bill O’Reilly or Chris Matthews: got me there...
438.) Who are your heroes?: my parents ^_^
439.) Why do you look up to them?: because...
440.) Do you wish you could be just like them?: God forbid I end up acting like my parents... though the saying "the apple doesn't fall far from the tree" could apply here
441.) State the most inspiring quote you know: There probably is one... I just can't think of it at the moment
442.) Do your parents inspire you?: they don't inspire per say... more like "push" me to do better
443.) Do any of your friends inspire you?: sure
More Random Questions
444.) Are nutri-grain bars good or bad?: yummy
445.) Do you eat a lot of donuts?: on the actual occasion that my parents bring some back sure
446.) What kind?: whichever they bring... found out the cinnamon ones with apple filling actually taste good
447.) Do you like chocolate?: all chocolate except for dark
448.) Has your uncle ever gone to jail for unpaid parking tickets?: not that I know of... *looks at uncle suspiciously*
449.) Do you see dancing giraffes and living gnomes in your sleep?: thats... so... random...
450.) Do you like headphones that go in your ears or stay out?: the one's that come along with the iPod do just fine whatever the hell they are
451.) Do you like mini blinds?: eh?
452.) Have you ever broken your mini blinds with a hanger?:Hangers come after we ascertain what exactly are these mini blinds you speak of
453.) Have you ever gotten into a violent fit of rage and tried to murder someone?: I sense a framing coming on...
454.) How is this survey so far?: *twitch twitch*
455.) Do you like the movie ‘Fantasia’?: don't remember seeing it :/
What’s Your Take On…
456.) Life: in the eternal words of Tom Hanks "Life is like a box of chocolates..." ach.. forgot the rest of it...
457.) The world: could use some work...
458.) President Bush: we found your lost idiot Texas...
459.) Ahhhhnold: apart from the fact he is the Governator?
460.) Gary Coleman running for governor: ahahaha
461.) Howard Stern: hair... must.. go...
462.) The war in Iraq: are we ever going to leave? >.>
463.) the economy: it's going down?
464.) jay-z retiring: publicity stunt... he'll be bahhhhhck
465.) school: we've been through this...
466.) going to college: meh
467.) marriage: erm...
468.) football: wuzzat?
469.) baseball: sure
470.) people cutting themselves for pleasure: but but why?
Do You…
471.) Pick your nose?: nope
472.) Untie your shoe laces everytime you take your shoes off?: no... only when I need to adjust them?
473.) Fart a lot?: no
474.) Burp a lot?: nope
475.) Do stupid things in public?: define "stupid"
476.) Terrorize innocent people on golf courses?: I have yet to step on a golf course
477.) Have random hallucinations?: I did think I saw the ghost of my sister's hamster once O_O
478.) Wear shirts with quotes on them?: If I actually had a lot of them I would... House quotes FTW! :D
479.) Wear patches and/or pins on your clothing?: not really
480.) Wear leg warmers?:nope
481.) Sing in the shower?: nope
482.) Play any card game?: solitare, spit, war, BS, and tried poker once
483.) Sleep with a teddy bear?: not a teddy bear per say... I do have stuffed animals that make good pillows
484.) Take your pet for a walk?: kinda hard to take a fishy for a walk
485.) Have a snake?: I would love to have one... but my mom would kill me
486.) Have webbed feet?: not that I know of... do I look like a duck to you?
487.) Wear colorful socks?: sure
488.) Have a life?: not at the moment... that's why I'm doing this...
489.) Drink coffee?: only if I really feel the need to @_@
490.) Drink tea?: fruit flavored tea is yummy
491.) What are your screen names?:geez... you trying to stalk me?
492.) Emails?:you really want to stalk me huh?
493.) Do you have a website?: LJ doesn't count does it?
494.) Do you have a live journal or dead journal?: you're kidding...
495.) Do you ever get off the computer?: my parents want me to but I shant mauahahha
496.) What are your favorite websites?: devart, LJ, and facebook! :3
497.) What are your favorite online stores?: don't shop online... though it's kinda funny to see what they sell on Ebay
498.) Do you buy a lot of stuff online?: .... no
499.) If so, what?: ....no
500.) Whats the last thing you bought online?: my sister's bday pressie... but that was years ago
501.) Do you have a lot of online friends?: I thought we went through this...
502.) Have you ever met any of them in person?: o.O
503.) Whos the best person to talk to online?: Cait or Justin....possibly Max
504.) Do you ever catch yourself using computer language outloud? (i.e. saying “LOL”): I think I might have slipped once or twice... Less than three OMG typing out my fantasy meet me here on IRC LOLOL XD
505.) Do you use AIM, ICQ, Yahoo, MSN……?: AIM, and I have a yahoo account
506.) Whats your desktop background?: did I mention that I'm insanely jealous of the teddy bear?
507.) Whats your AIM icon?: kinda hard to explain...
508.) How many hours do you spend online in a week on average?: I stopped counting...
509.) Do you have a webcam or a mic?: nope... possibly a mic... have talked to people
510.) If your computer shut down for a week, would you die?: probably... of lack of stuff to do
511.) Whats the best present you’ve ever received?: 7.1 MP digital camera
512.) Whats the worst present you’ve ever received?: I don;t even want to know
513.) Do you think its better to give than to receive?: it sure feels better
514.) Do you feel guilty when people get you a great present, but you didn’t get them one?: sure, why not..
515.) Do you make up a lie to cover it up?: erm....sure
More Favorites
516.) Favorite radio station: the one's on iTunes
517.) Favorite day of the week: Friday!!
518.) Favorite fruit: Mango I think...
519.) Favorite vegetable: corn?
520.) Favorite lunch meat: peperoni ^^
521.) Favorite candy bar: Crunch?
522.) Favorite nail polish: don't use nail polish
523.) Favorite chair: the one I'm sitting on :3
524.) Favorite early morning show: how early are we talking about?
525.) Favorite morning talk show host: Ellen DeGeneres?
526.) Favorite writing paper: whatever is around
527.) Favorite section of the newspaper: comics?
528.) Favorite sibling (if you have any): It's really hard to chose when I only have ONE
529.) Favorite distant relative: my cuz ^_^
530.) Favorite dessert: ice cream! or a parfait ^_^
531.) Favorite weather: clear day with a cool breeze
532.) Favorite season: Winter because everything looks so pretty when covered with untouched snow
533.) Favorite shoe brand: do I care?
534.) Favorite lunch: Grilled Cheese?
535.) Favorite breakfast: breakfast crepes
536.) Favorite author: too many to chose... JK Rowling, JRR Tolkien, Christopher Paolini, Dan Brown
537.) Favorite place to see concerts: anywhere as long as I'm with friends
538.) Favorite band to see live: Sugarcult... if I ever get to see them >.>
539.) Favorite survey you’ve ever gotten: definately not this one you survey bastard
More This or That
540.) Nike/Adidas: it's the same to me
541.) Alone/With friends: depends on what I'm doing
542.) Work/Have off: have off... but earn money at the same time ^^
543.) Pomegranate/Perssimon: Never tried Perssimon so I have to say pomegranate... the seeds are so annoying though...
544.) Raspberry/Blueberry: blueberry
545.) Cheech and Chong/Abbot and Costello: umm... er... pass...
546.) Acid/Shrooms: why do you think I;m a druggie you evil survey whore?!?!?
547.) Who/The Who: is there a difference? The Who because of that awesome scene in House where he play's to the tune of "Baba O'Riley"
548.) Older/Newer: what are we talking about here?
549.) Regular pretzel/Pretzel log: regular?
550.) Have sex/Make love: -_-;;;.... no comment
Have you ever…
551.) Used a swear word the wrong way and made it sound completely stupid?: probably every day
552.) Skipped school?: not without an excuse
553.) Done drugs?: NO
554.) Been drunk?: there was this one time where my cuz, sis, Gab, and I pretended to get drunk off the sparkling cider...
555.) Been so drunk you couldn’t remember your own name?: I blank out enough on my own name without using the alcohol
556.) Had to look after someone who was on drugs?: nope
557.) Gone insane?: it would be your fault if I do go insane
558.) Been in the hospital over night?: nope
559.) Been in a car accident?: sorta... my dad slipped on black ice and crashed into a Japanese Maple Tree
560.) A bike accident?: nu uh
561.) Broken a bone?: nope
562.) Sprained a wrist or an ankle?: never seriously
563.) Been online for more than 8 hours at one shot?: always
564.) Loved somebody so much it made you cry?: er...
565.) Watched TV for more than 11 hours straight?: not that I know of
566.) More than 12 hours?: no, darn you!
567.) How about 5 hours?: movies count?
568.) Slipped in public and had everyone laugh at you?: go away... you... you... MEANIE!
569.) Passed out from hunger?: nope... have gotten dizzy several times
570.) Been to a LAN party?: nope... I missed out on the Wii parties too
Other Stuff
571.) Do you like going to basketball games?: only the last 10 seconds... that's when everyone ends up lunging for the ball and falling over each other
572.) How about swim meets?: nope…
573.) Tennis matches?: I bet my dad would love that
574.) Do you like Family Feud?: sure
575.) The ones with Richard?: Richard? the one who replaced Louie?
576.) How about Match Game?: wha?
577.) Do you watch Game Show Network regularly?: nope.
578.) Do you believe in dream catchers?: sure... I have two and have yet to have a nightmare
579.) Do transvestites appeal to you?: you're scaring me...
580.) Have you ever been to New York City?: considering I live around 40 mins from it? sure I have
581.) Do you wish you could live somewhere else?: used to want to live in the country with a herd of horsies... dunno about now...
582.) Do you dress in different ways to look like other people?: That's what Halloween is for
583.) Yes or No: Christina Aguilera has talent: more than Britney thats for sure
584.) Do you like TiVo?: sure, looks fun
585.) Do you have a TiVo?: no...
586.) VCR’s or DVD players?: It's the same as asking if I like DVDs or VHS better... cuz it makes soo much sense if I said that I liked DVDs but like VCRs
587.) Are you an animal rights activist?: sorta
588.) A vegan?: no.
589.) Vegetarian?: want to... can't seem to stop eating meat though,,,
590.) What do you want to be when you grow up?: a ninja *pulls out kunai and shuriken* naw... your WORST NIGHTMARE
Do you know…
591.) Who won the Super Bowl last year?: does anyone even care after that whole Janet Jackson fiasco?
592.) Two years ago? ara?
593.) Who hosted Family Feud after Richard?: Richard... Richard.... lost me...
594.) The author of “Frankenstein”?: only because Mish put it down Mary Shelly
595.) Who the Canadian Prime Minister is?: I did... I think... need to catch up on current events...
596.) The Queen of England?: Elizabeth II I believe....
597.) Prime Minister of Britain?: Tony Blair? or did he resign? no... wait... that was someone else
598.) Espanol?: sisi
599.) Deutsch?: nope
600.) Japanese?: hai!
601.) François?: no
602.) Chinese?: hahaha... you kid with me.... wo shou jung wen
603.) Portuguese?: naw
604.) (If you don’t, do you wish you knew any of these languages?): Japanese and French... French so I can understand what my cousin is saying and Japanese because it's so cool!
605.) The capital of Switzerland?: iono
606.) The capital of the US?: how dare you question my intelligence... it's Washington DC
607.) All of the Canadian provinces?: Alberta, Ontario, Quebec?, Sascahchewan?
608.) The two most commonly used languages in the world?: English and Chinese?
609.) How to fly a kite?: nope
610.) How to surf?: wouldn't mind learning
611.) Skateboard?: nope
612.) How about rollerblade?: haha! something I do know how to do!
613.) What year the Korean war started?: erm... shit... I knew this...
614.) What is the one thing in the world that makes you teary eyed?: needless deaths?
615.) Happy eyed?: sweet sucess, watching someone earn something they deserve
616.) What song always makes you sad?: Perfect by Simple Plan
617.) Happy: Bouncing off the Walls by Sugarcult
618.) Which person always makes you really happy?: Melly!
619.) Really depressed?: shitty survey whores like... well... like you!
620.) Are you a really emotional person?: not really
621.) Are you a naturally depressed person?: mellow... not depressed
622.) A naturally happy person?: I'm well adjusted... now begone!
623.) How long does it take you to overcome a bad emotion?: depending on what happened
624.) What do you do?: sleep or play on the comp
625.) What song do you think was written about your life?: possibly "Perfect" by Simple Plan... sad ain't it?
The Last Person To…
626.) Who was the last person to hug you?: Justin <3
627.) Talk to you?: Melly :3
628.) IM you?: Jocelyn
629.) Touch you physically?: erm... that sounds so much like Michael Jackson
630.) Touch you emotionally?: erm...
631.) Hurt you?: @_@
632.) Make you feel gooooood?:......
633.) Scold you?: don't know?
634.) Praise you?:erm...
635.) Say “Hello” to you?: Lorriane
636.) Are you secure with yourself?: for the most part
637.) What do other people think of you?: sometimes I really don't want to know
638.) What kind of person do you see yourself as?:Yo soy yo...
639.) What is your one maaaaajjoooorrrr weakness?: I occasionally keep a long grudge... and procrastinate
640.) Do you consider yourself to be a strong person?: I have my perks
641.) A weak person?: in some ways... like math...
642.) Are you stressed out?: I will be if this goes on any longer...
643.) If someone insults you, can you just brush it off or move on?: Bring it ON biatch *pulls out bow, glaive, Kunai, shuriken, flamethrower, daggers, kodochi, and summons Fluffy army*
644.) Do you hold grudges against others that insult you?: depends on how bad it is
645.) If you are sitting in class and you say something really dumb or do something really stupid and everyone starts laughing at you, can you brush it off easily?: It will come back to haunt me eventually...
Three Things
646.) 3 things you can do
1. Speak Chinese
2. Write Chinese
3. Hate Chinese like no other (except Ivy)
647.) 3 of your best friends
1. they had to put "best" in didn;t they
2. hurl insults at all my other friends... like one is better than the other
3. we'll put Poncho in this one cuz no one messes with Poncho and escapes unscathed
648.) 3 things you wish you could do
1. Speak Japanese
2. play the guitar
3. draw anime people
649.) 3 shows you watch all the time
1. HOUSE (Hugh Laurie squeeeeeeee)
2. Grey's Anatomy (McDreamy squeeeeeee)
3. Psych (James Roday luff :3)
650.) 3 shows you watched when you were little
1. barney
2. sesame street
3. Arthur
651.) 3 things you’re addicted to
1. House/Hugh Laurie
2. Caitlin (her nickname isn't Vicodin for nothing XD)
3. Cookie dough ice cream (thanks to Melly)
652.) 3 people you care about
1. my parents
2. my friends
3. my relatives (it's soo much easier to group people)
653.) 3 things you cant live without
1. Food
2. Family
3. see above questions
654.) 3 things you wish you could change about yourself
1. weight/ height
2. math competancy
3. be more athletic?
655.) 3 of your strong points
1. I can somewhat draw
2. semi reasonable?
3. research crap
656.) 3 of your favorite boys names
1. Julian
2. Tobias?
3. Chase :3
657.) 3 of your favorite girls names
1. no
2. frickin
3. clue
658.) 3 people of the opposite sex
1. Justin
2. Hugh Laurie
3. Max
659.) 3 things everyone should listen to
1. Sugarcult
2. Postal Service (good music if you want to fall asleep)
3. the voices in your head
660.) 3 things no one should listen to
1. Britney/ KFed
2. hilary duff
3. lindsay lohan
661.) 3 things you say all the time
1. Sarcoidosis!
2. Vicodin!
3. Seriously?!?!... Seriously...
662.) 3 words to describe your look
1. Chinese
2. short
3.leave me alone,,,
663.) 3 words to describe your personality
1. quiet
2. serious
3. argh...
664.) 3 things you want to do before you die
1. Go to New Zealand
2. Meet the cast of House/Grey's
3. learn how to play a guitar
665.) 3 things on your desk
1. could have sworn... fine.... you win... highlighter
2. paper
3.water bottle
666.) 3 things you hate
1. long surveys
2. racists
3. people who make long surveys (isn;t 666 the number for hell?)
667.) 3 things you love
1. House
2. my friends
3. Poncho
668.) 3 things that scare you
1. death
2. needles
3. roller coasters
669.) 3 people who make you chuckle
1. Justin
2. Melly
3. Bry
670.) 3 people who are so very cool
1. they are all
2. cool in their own special way
3. especially Ivy with her artsy skillz :3