Jun 03, 2005 11:44
woo schools out ! yesterday was a good start to the summer. nate came up after school and i took a nap and blah blah then eventually we started walking to his house in dalton and after like .05 minutes of walking we got a ride there, then we did some stuff and it was a fun day then at night we ended up walking like half way to clarkssumit and stuff with adam and molly and it was ridiculous but i dont remember it now, just that it was a lot of walking then dave picked us up at the comm and we eventually went to our old spot in town to go to sleep [behind the bar kinda] then at 2:30 we all woke up cause we were freezing and tried to find somewhere to go so we went to justins but some guy pulled up the drive way so adam had a great idea and took off running so me and nate followed and we made all this noise and made lights come on in peoples yards then ran into the woods. after a while we went back there and were able to sleep there but his dad thought 3 black men were robbing his house hahahaha