Jan 13, 2010 16:43
I'm taking a health class this semester and the the teacher has given us a goal setting assignment. We're suppose to fill out a worksheet that evaluates our lifestyle by ranking certain things on a 'strongly agree to strongly disagree ' scale. Well, I get a perfect 10, meaning i don't use it at all, in the tobacco and alohol sections. And so it got me thinking, since i'm 19 and not of age to drink, I don't drink at all. And then I started thinking some more, and realized that when I do turn 21 i'm probably not going to be a heavy drinker anyway. Maybe an occasional Bartles and James(they look like they'd be good) or wine cooler every once in a while, but I can't really picture myself drinking so much that I get drunk. In fact, I think i'd be a designated driver or something. So that's where my mind wandered while filling out my goal setting sheet. Now I should get back to it (<== I originally put 'eat'. i'm so hungry.). And then some History readings and History of Astronomy readings I need to start soon. :\