Ok, so I've got two A-team stories I'm trying to podfic, but thanks work, family, and now a massive head cold, I have made next to no progress on them. :( I've done a couple rough run throughs on one, and I'm still working on over familurizing myself with the larger story. But I feel really bad that I was able to get that last one out so quickly (becuase I had two days off and an emptly house to work in) and now these are taking forever. so to remedy this a bit (and by remedy, I mean 'make myself feel less self-concious') I've actually created a twitter account for podfic updates.
http://twitter.com/podficflower so now when I can't get any work done due to working till 7 PM and the family doesn't quiet down, and leave me be till midnight, I can tweet my excuse. and on the positive I'll also be able to put tweets about how I've only got a few lines to re-record, and what not before it's done and posted. :D
so now I feel better.