... and most of the ones I had in mind, have Already been done!!! ::sob:: and see, I have no idea if there's any sort of spoken or unspoken rule about this. If somebody's already podficed a story, is it ok to ask to do it again? I don't wanna look like some douche, and hurt anybodys feelings, or step on any toes. But I'd really like to do some of these already done stories. and it really doesn't help that some of the ones have in fact be podficed twice. so now I'm like 'YAY! Clearly it can be done!!!' and then right after that thought hits comes the 'But wait! what if it's still not really koasher!! and now that it's been done twice you'll look like a total tool for asking to do it a THIRD TIME!!!' AAARRRGH!!!
So does anybody have any sort of concrete answer to this? ::snorts::... a concrete rule in fandom... lol.
'Cos see I can totally see part of fandom being like 'yeah whatever bb, just have fun, and share the love!!!!'
and then another part being like:
'OMG homewrecker! I totes put a lot of time in to my podfic and now you'r trying to overshadow all my hard work!' which I totally understand too!!!
I suppose I could just e-mail the auther and ask... but way to make an already akward situation even more so.
"but ponce!" said fandom. "Authors should be happy to hear from you and love the idea of you podficing their work."
See you say that fandom, but I'm not so sure. I'm always worried that some of the authors are going to look at me e-mail and think 'who is this chick, and why should I trust her with my hard work?'
which honestly I understand that! but oy... wanna do those fics...
... so anybody got any suggestions for me that haven't aready been podficed? ::hopefull smile::