da jibbilies...

May 26, 2007 13:34

I finally got off my duff and signed up for a free myspace account, in order to please my sister, and get her to stop yammering to me about how cool they are and how much she wants one. So I signed up, picked a layout, filled out the infos and... the whole thing just leaves me feeling dirty... it feels like a very dirty place, where as LJ has always felt like a warm & cozy little place for ponce on the internet. sure we have some fantastic wank out here in LJ land, and there's occasionaly some really big scandalous stuff going on, that usually involves or at least surronds one of more BNF's, but the nice thing about LJ is that, I don't have to participate in any of that if I choose not to! I can just go off to some other little nook of the LJ world, and content myself with just about any subject matter I want (though lets be honest with ourselves. 9 outa 10 times its slashfic) I can get as one on one personal, or comunal as I want, it's very much within my power to use livejournal as I see fit.

But when I'm on myspace, I just feel befuddled, and I keep looking around for like, the real myspace, like what should be beyond the porfile and comment page, but there's nothing there, it just feels so shallow, and greedy, and unoriginal, and disingenuous. it's all about checkin' out ur pix, and pimipin' out your free layout, and playin soungs that you like that are also available on myspace. it's... just gross feeling. Like a big drunk Frat party! myspace feels like a bunch of tanned frat-boys with with frosted spikes, and drunk haltertop wearing sorority chicks hanging around a half emtpy keg, drunkenly hollering at each other and falling over while screaming about getting laid! And the people all seem to type solely in txt speak, which drives me up the fucking wall. Because, while I know I'm a pretty crummy speller, and sometimes I get a little over-enthusiastic with my commas, at least I try! it's not out of sheer laziness, and being hip, because damn it, I like the english language! hell I'll even say I love it. I like words, they are powerful and smart and moving. So when I get an email, where every word over four letters is abbreviated, or smashed together with other three letter words into acronyms that are completely unitelligablel. I just want to rip my hair out and scream 'it was too hard for you to type "I like you're pic."?!!?'

::sighs:: oh LJ... I'm sorry I ever strayed. ::hugs LJ::

::LJ hugs back::

::tries to slip LJ the tongue::

::LJ quickly smacks me away::

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