Jun 07, 2004 15:42
Okay...so that was a silly title, it still fits. :)
Time for the semi-quarterly update of the PoMR's Life. Such as it is.
Major Events:
1) Got a dog a month ago! :)
His name is Ra, as in the Egyptian Sun God yes. :) His previous owner had to give him up due to village ordinance mandating the number of household pets she could have. He's a very sweet dog, very good natured, but also very handshy -- especially around men.
Ra's a beagle/sharpei mix with golden brown fur with reddish highlights, half length beagle ears, and about half of the wrinkles to his face that a sharpei might have. His eyes are a deep brown with a black ring around them, and he's a very solid little guy standing about 14" at the shoulder, and weighs a very solid 45 pounds or so. :) He's /strong/! He pulls us around like crazy when he goes out (which he wants to do with frustrating regularity!!!).
It took a while for him to get used to me, but now he does the happy dance when I get home and we play like a couple of idiots when I get home from work each day. :) He's also taken to sleeping on my feet if I nap on the couch, or else he just curls up by them when I watch TV.
He was with his previous owner for about 3 years, and the entire household was full of females, including the other pets. Anyway...he got loose during a storm, and was missing about two weeks, it was after this that he became 'man-shy'. I bet some jerk beat him up or something. :/ Grrr.
Anyway...he's a lovey-dovey-cutie-pie-with-a-deplorable-excess-of-personality (tm) now that he's calmed down. TOTAL attention whore. :) Big coward too, though he bays. :)
Long and the short: I love the silly dope. :)
2) Took a couple weeks off of staffing and GMing in general to get my mojo back.
I was /so/ burned out on GMing in particular and online stuff in general that I opted to take a couple weeks to just -play- and such like. It was very relaxing to have no duties as a staffer I had to attend to, and to play my (much neglected!) alts. Truly I spent more time just BSing and playing computer games than anything else. :) VERY needed. I feel much better now. :)
3) PERM! I'm a /real/ employee at Hewitt Associates.
I know I mentioned this before, but it is still a huge part of my life now and deserved another mention. More good news in this arena is that I got invited by management to join a team called Lighthouse. Lighthouse handles all the documentation for the Support Center, and is a fairly high profile and important team in general. The best part of this is that I was invited by management; typically the team discusses candidates, but not in this case. A great honor. :)
Another cool thing is that I was silent monitored. Basically what happens is that when training new hires they will listen in on Senior Associates' calls. A couple of key points, I'm not a senior associate, and they ask first generally. I was never asked. Anyways...the trainer at the time had a dearth of people to listen to, so he dialed into my phone and they listened to several of my calls. He came to me later and complimented me on how excellent the calls were, how I was spot on with what they want to hear. :) Made me feel very very good about life in general.
Last cool thing...one of my longtime friends (fifteen to sixteen years worth) had fairly recently lost his job and been looking for work. Anyway, he helped me clean up my resume (which I think helped get me in at Hewitt), and then a month or so ago called me to see if I could find the hiring manager for a couple job postings he was interested in at Hewitt, mind...I was a contractor still, though they made me an offer shortly after he called. Anyway...I couldn't find who he should talk to, but then I gave him the number for the HR Rep I spoke to, and gave him a sterling reccomendation as I spoke to her.
He starts today. :) Go SCOTT! :)
It turns out that the HR Rep I put him in touch with was responsible for one of the two jobs he wanted, and they pretty much pushed him past a big chunk of the screening process based on what I said. That made me feel pretty darn good too. :)
I lovey-love-love Hewitt Associates. :)
That's about it for major events in my life. :)
Thanks for reading if you do.