45. Perfectly Lonely

May 12, 2011 22:29

I suppose from the looks of things that we are no closer to finding who is decorating the Sphere, nor who is behind the series of inexplicable annoyances and pranks, and now, safety features. Though I guess that "the Sphere did it" is now as good an explanation as any for what happens around here. I do wish that we could have some peace at Medical, though; the newly-enforced measures against people injuring themselves sometimes make it quite difficult for us to treat them when they inevitably DO.

... I do not suppose that anybody else is being followed by the sounds of a song with rather foul lyrics, however? I have been for several days, though it may be for a different reason.

simon is vexed, what's up doc?, curious simon is curious, what going mad feels like, ic, gorramit lezard, event: safety first, +mona lisa, event: graffiti

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