Oct 05, 1976 15:32
Well I’m prefect.
Yes even I can be surprised. And here I was sure I was in for a detention for telling it how it is.
And suddenly they want me to learn the ropes from ground up in my last year… Curious I tell you.
I expect help. Yes you, fellow Prefect.
Memmy-line I will say this now-no shrieking unless it is in the form of congratulation.
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As much fun as it is to run my mouth off. It seems to be causing me more trouble as of late. I will get into what happened earlier today later.
Now I am expecting that metal when I get back. I don't want this to be one of your empty promises. Memoirs... now there is the idea. IF I ever find myself holed up in a dank room for years with nothing else to do. I will consider that then.
They don't approve for a number of reasons(this is where my mouth got me into trouble today). They think I am too youmg...I don't know what love is. My mother called Bellatrix a harlot. She says she has been a bad influence on me. What do I say to her back? I call her a wrinkled up prune. I say she is a prude who has no idea about passion and that I said she married my father as a last resort so that she could be married before she was thirty.
Now I have bruises on my arms and one on my eye compliments of my father.
Not an empty promise at all! I have it here with me as we write. I'd leave it on your bed but I'm afraid that one of the other lads in their sleepy-stupors might mistake it for a gold galleon and try pocketing it. But I'll leave it there for you on the day of your return. And if you ever have the time, the patience or the inspiration to write down your memoirs I do implore you to do so-I think they would be a fascinating read.
Would they rather you be bent with old age when you move to do great things? My own mother is harping at me to find a steady girlfriend but she's under the impression that I will supply her with dozens of grandchildren before I'm twenty-five-no idea why really, I mean my brothers are still just kids enough to fuss over If Emmeline were privy to this conversation she would argue my father and I too are children enough... I digress.
And no offense to the Lestrange elders, but I think that is perhaps one of the poorest set of excuses I've ever heard-that because we're ‘young’ we wouldn't be able to comprehend 'love'. There's a bunch of old fuddy-duddies rolling about who still don't know what "love" is-and I assure you they certainly cannot use their age as an excuse as they're well over the hill and rolling down it into their graves. Thus age is a poor indicator of such things.
Honestly... they can't decide for you who you love and do not love. They cannot turn your heart towards one and away from another-that’s for the self to decide. Not only that but we're all different-some are quicker on the uptake than others when it comes to realizing a love that's been staring them in the face for years... And still others you could beat them over the head with love and they still wouldn't get it. I think they should be praising you for finding it so soon, for being so astute and that you were so lucky to have found it so early... Commonly heard is the regret, "if only I'd met you sooner" or "if only we could have more time together". You should be praised not punished.
... Excuse me... Miss Bellatrix a harlot? That's laughable, truly. Out of curiosity and for the sake of this conversation, how well acquainted are your parents with Miss Bellatrix and exactly how would they obtain such false impressions? Unless of course your mother was making gross generalizations about Slytherin women in general which again leads me to beg why? And if she believes that your "sudden burst of outspoken behavior" is due to your courtship with Miss Bellatrix then… if you really don't want any grief, just tell her that due to the fact that Avery never shuts up you had, out of dire necessity, the need to fend for yourself. Either that or with Not-A-Black's increase in obnoxious behavior, he needed to be put in his place... No, I retract that statement. Pot-Head, Not-A-Black and Remus-Bloody-Lupin are all extremely vexing-it’s not a matter of being "outspoken" but merely a matter of "stating irrevocable truths". Pot-head is a brown-nosing-goody-toe-shoes and butter-wouldn't-melt-in-his-mouth sort; Not-A-Black is.... not a Black and therefore a disgrace to Purebloods everywhere... Remus-Bloody-Lupin is a bloody dirty blood and nothing more need be said on that matter as that is sufficient reason on its own. But perhaps the... "wrinkled prune" (no matter if true or not-I am no judge of that as I am not familiar with your mother) was not the best choice of words...
And think of it this way...
Maybe your mother, if she indeed married your father for those very reasons, expects that Miss Bellatrix will be the same. If that's the case, perhaps you ought to point out to her that every woman is different and not all are of the same frame of mind. And again you are not marrying as a last resort, nor are you thirty... So I believe that your mother's current arguments are unfounded. You are not the one in the wrong here.
... Should I ask Snape to whip up a salve for your bruises?
I should be happy that I am getting married to someone I want to be with and not someone being forced upon me. I just want to hint something, but the bruises make that painful.
And yes, I could use some salve for the bruises. Thanks, mate.
I bet you are quiet tired of listening to me rant on about this. What have you been keeping yourself entertained with in my absence?
Exactly that. Arranged marriages are a nightmare, my Mother was threatening that once... Thankfully I think she was only threatening that in a fit of undue anger (which she is prone to) but she hasn't mentioned it since so I think I am off of the hook... But try not to hit things. While bruises are manly and girls do seem to like the 'bad boys' I doubt Miss Bellatrix would like you to come back to her in bits and pieces... or at least once color and that color being blue. We already had a Ravenclaw pull that stunt and we wouldn't want to be called copycats now would we?
As for the salve I'm on it! I will hunt down Snape and breathe down his neck until he makes it for you. If that fails I will wave my badge at him to make him hurry it up. In any case you will get it soon.
And I don't mind honestly. Better than the drivel the dirty bloods are forcing upon the school day in and day out. I shudder every time I open this thing, but seeing your hand writing is a much welcome sight. So rant away-I feel these are my dues for subjecting you to my senseless prattle all these years and I am sympathetic to your current tribulations. If it would help any I would make and pass around a petition... but I doubt your parents would be so swayed by the thoughts and impressions of the Students at Hogwarts.
As for myself... well I must remind myself not to engage in too many games of wizarding chess with Rosier as he is a very sore loser. I don't think the table can take anymore of his tossing it about to be quite honest. Otherwise it is the same old story in regards to homework and essays... As I've been handed to torch however I'm feeling obligated to keep my grades up so I suppose you could say I'm putting more effort into subjects where I would only usually do the bare minimum. I don't know how you did it honestly but you have my admiration (as always). As for true entertainment... well I've always bothered Vance and that hasn't changed though I've been forced to be a bit nicer to her as I don't want her to lead me astray this new and strange land of Prefect-Dom. I am living in fear of the Prefect meetings-I hope I won't die of boredom. Are they terribly boring? The Littlest-Black, Narcissa, was hinting as much... and I am not looking forward to the fact that the show is run by a bunch of lions. Ugh. It's going to be especially hard as I will be in mixed company... Though I shall make an effort to keep some of my opinions to myself as long as the mudbloods stay at their end of the table. I really do wonder sometimes, but then again the other Houses are the lesser Houses.. so I suppose it's only fitting that they have less than worthy people running the show. I suppose I am just a bit put out that I will have to associate myself with them for however long the meeting runs-how long are they usually? Not too long?? ... I think I shall have to bring some paper and a quill, if only to draw... Not that I can draw, mind but...
I have rambled. And am probably making you tired of my rant so I shall acquit while I am ahead. All in all, it's been quiet. I bet you wish I'd summed it up like that earlier, don't you?
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