Oct 13, 1976 02:58
[Private: Unlockable by Slytherins]
Please. Someone enlighten me because I do believe your Prefect is perhaps a bit slow.
I say this simply because I fail to be able to comprehend why in sweet Circe's name it is a widespread school travesty when Goody-Goody Four-Eyes bonks his bloomin' noggin.
I say we ought to commemorate that day! Commend the bludger for a hit will placed! Give it a gold star and a plaque reading "I, bludger 1 (or 2) contributed to Pot-Head's bump but am not accountable for any brain damage as that was there previous since birth".
Founders, we should be throwing a parade to mark the day.
Then again this isn't anything new. In fact I do believe it's the newest trend with Potter, this head bumping business. And I would conjecture that this isn't even a new trend either... I'm certain that this was a commonplace and a daily happening in the Potter Household when he was growing up.
I mean... just look at how he turned out.
And besides that... it's bleeding Quidditch! And might I point out the bludger was only doing what it was supposed to do? Created to do?
This said... why is this such big news again? Let's do a bit of simple arithmetic shall we?
Bludgers + Bats + Multitasking + inattentiveness to one's surroundings = accidents waiting to happen and BOUND to happen.
Need I say more?
Why yes, just one last thing... or maybe two.
If that was the most interesting, most earth-shattering event that has the entire school in quasi-mourning then we're all in trouble.
And need serious lives.
In fact I'd be more indignant that I wasted an entry on this if this were a brand new journal but as it's the tainted one (due to tainted hands much previous), well I figure its paper well wasted.