Sure, you're still there! And yep, sweet - I'll even have some free time around that date, so I count on seeing you! (and you get a polar-bear for an icon)
I'd like to be friended and read your friends-locked comments. I am Sarah, a 23 years-old library sciences student from Cologne(-ish) and you have to friend me because I all understand all your Numair references. Er, bye.. ^^
Comments 6
Did you see that I'm coming back to Berlin soon?????
March 11 I arrive! Wooooooooohooooooo!
Can't wait to see you again!!!!!!!
I am Sarah, a 23 years-old library sciences student from Cologne(-ish) and you have to friend me because I all understand all your Numair references. Er, bye.. ^^
Okay! ;-)
Ich meinte eh' nur neue Leute. Ich glaub', das muss ich noch mal spezifizieren!
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