Nov 17, 2007 10:22
An update! Yay!
Life makes me happy. There are so many things that make me smile, balancing out by far the few not-so-nice things.
- My niece calls me "viiia". She recognises my voice, wants me to play "tic-tac!" with her (me shaking her as if she was the pendulum of a clock, complete with the noises), plays puzzle, shows me her books, sits in my lap while I'm in a tailor's seat, woke me up with a huge grin on her face, tickled me, loves being chased around, trusts me. I love her. Those three days where I slept at my sister's while being at a business fair near to their home were so precious! Not mentioning that a secretary of state, and some ministers mentioned my project, liked it and congratulated me on it.
- My new firefighters make me feel welcome. I officially applied within the volunteer fire-brigade, and it may take them months to come to a decision (with me having to pass the aptitude-check and the criminal record-checking and all that jazz), but I already feel like I belong there. They joke around, include me in the conversation, not only on the firefighter-level, but also on the private level. On december 1st, there'll be a christmas party, with the Nikolaus climbing up the ladder and giving presents to the children. There'll be about 60 people attending, and I'm looking forward to meeting all those families! It's a good opportunity to talk to the wives of the firefighters, seeing that I'm the first (or recently only) woman to be in that brigade, and sometimes women can be mighty jealous. I think they won't be, if I get to talk to them.
- My family is fun to be around. We saw the musical "Queen" in Cologne ("we" being my Mum, my sister and myself) which we offered my Mum as a birthday-gift. My brother-in-law was with our cousin, all along with my niece. We had fun, joked around, talked (and after my cousin explained world of warcraft to my Mum, she finally decided that steelsings sounds "more serious" and understood a little better why I love it so much). When talking about christmas gifts, I learned that my grandpa decided to give each of us children (including my brother-in-law and my niece) 500 Euros. That's extra to the thing he normally does. "I prefer giving while my hands are still warm", he calls that. With a grin and that glint in his eyes. I love my family. Oh, and I decided that I'll use that as a base for saving up for a trip to Canada. Yay.
- I'm only 500 gramms short of the goal I set me one year ago. Setting it without much hope that I'd actually manage to lose 20 kg (within whatever a period I deemed possible, 15 years or suchlike... ;-), I'm now pondering putting that limit down another five kilos. I'm now 85,5 kilos, having started at 105 (and I'm 1,73m tall). Going down to 80 kilos within the next half year would be great. We'll see. I don't pressure myself, I won't starve myself (I love chocolate way too much for that!). My fitness-level is nice, aquaspinning is fun (and the trainer-guy is nice, hehe), and I ponder about starting to row next spring. Seeing that Berlin has lots of water (and more bridges than Venice), there are lots of clubs (over 40, I think) which'll allow me to find a training-day when I don't have fire-fighter's training.
- I enjoy role-playing. I enjoy character-developing, roguey-businesses going on, writing tutorials, talking to new people, things changing. I know that some things might not be welcomed by everybody, but I'm one of the "in dubio pro reo"-guys (and why does "when in doubt, shoot the wizard" spring to my mind right now? Eh.). Things change the whole time, and it's one of the things that make it interesting. Oh, and I'm very much looking forward to that meeting in London!
- Work is interesting. I get better at writing speeches for our president. I'll get some training-classes in this, next year - if everything works out fine. Oh, and I got the business-car for my trip to my parents, as I had to transport a new printer-fax-scanner and have a meeting on monday. Fire-red Mercedes E. *grins*
*/happy Silvia out!*