July 17 - Teamwork

Jul 17, 2016 23:41

Title: Shared Laurels
Author: Pompey
Universe: Without a Clue (Movie premise: Sherlock Holmes was a fictional character created by Dr. Watson to hide his detective hobby, but the when the public insisted on meeting the real Holmes, Watson hired an actor named Reginald Kincaid to play him. Only Mrs. Hudson and the Irregulars know that Watson is the real brains behind the operation.)
Rating: G
Warnings: spoiler for end of the movie (although not the solution to the mystery)
Word count: 292
Summary: Knowing Kincaid as well as he did, there was little that he could do that would surprise Dr. Watson - but this did.
Prompt: July 17 - Teamwork

Watson repressed a sigh and a groan. He was never going to get out from under the shadow this monster of his own creation cast. His new Crime Doctor serial would never even make it to the first issue. His deductions would never be taken seriously unless they came from the mouth of “Sherlock Holmes.” He would be constantly stymied in his investigations unless he claimed he was there at Holmes’s bidding. And all the while, that drunken lout would lap up his unearned glory and peacock about in front of an adoring public.

Well, to be truthful, Kincaid was welcomed to that last bit. It wasn’t adoration Watson wanted - just a little recognition now and then, that’s all. Someone acknowledging his contributions for once wasn’t that much to ask for.

That was part of the reason he had told Kincaid the truth at the end of the investigation, that he had truly been useful. Of course, the man had made some blunders but discovering the location of the hideout on his own really was quite impressive, especially given his limitations and history.

And then Kincaid surprised him again with a public declaration concerning the “invaluable assistance” of Dr. John Watson. That itself was quite touching, but the addition of a very heartfelt, “my friend” - not only from “Holmes” for the benefit of the public but clearly from Kincaid himself - followed by a round of applause . . . Watson could not repress his amazement. And gratitude, come to that. But then, Kincaid was an actor. He understood how important a show of appreciation could be.

And that was why Watson was so quick to deny Kincaid’s announcement that “Sherlock Holmes” was retiring. Shared laurels weren’t so hard a burden to bear.

fiction, watson's woes, july writing prompt, sherlock holmes

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