May 22, 2011 14:56
Things seem to have quieted down here in Versailles, which simply will not do for your so humble ruler. When you wake up, you find a letter on your FrogPad with a video attatchment that reads:
Dearest Noblesse,
I am most pleased to hear that you all are faring well. However, I have heard a whisper of a rumor that some of you do not appreciate your new accommodations. To show you just what I have saved you all from, here is a gentle reminder of just how merciful I am.
-His Majesty the King of France and Navarre,
King Louis XVI
The video depicts a traumatic event of your choosing that occurs after the canon point of your character being brought to Versailles. This should not be head canon, unless your character is COMPLETELY canon updated. This event could be something that happens directly to your character(such as an injury or death) or to someone close to them such as a friend or family member, or even an object/place close to them. The video suddenly cuts out at the end, which can be at a point that could be misinterpreted (an example would be if a person was pointing a gun at another person and then it cuts out before the trigger is actually pulled.) The video is able to be played multiple times, but will only be seen by you unless you show it to another character on your FrogPad.
Any questions or concerns please ask here and we will do our best to answer them.