Sep 15, 2009 01:07
I think the thing I hate most in the world is people who prey on the weak. Why is it that 'crime-fighting-superhero' isn't a respectable profession? While I'm dreaming, why isn't it easier to find out just who those sorta people are..? Well, anyway what really got me boiling this week was two things: one, it's a monday, and no amount of terrible coffee can make a monday any better. Secondarily, and majorly more important: every other teacher on this campus. Hell, even the Russian teacher, they're all lording their 'knowledge' over everyone else here, and for their part, the students just sit there in a daze of apathy and drug-induced awkwardness. C'mon, kiddies! Stand up for your rights! Don't just listen to someone with a degree spout bullshit, do you know how lame it looks when the only person saying anything is the guy who's terrified of social situations? Double ugh.
So, this is gonna be a politk n' beans rant. If you'd like something more filling and delicious, skip down to the end and have some cranberry tang chai tea. It'll do your body good! And don't take what I'm saying too seriously, as it's liable not to make precious little sense; heaven knows I don't. OKAY SO: First of all, the thing that grinds me up the most is when someone thinks something makes them better then people. I don't care if it's a degree, being a bit older/younger, having a 'better' figure or having memorized the backs of those trivial pursuit-style questions you find on beer mats and the back of chain resteraunt napkins. It can be funny, interesting, or useful, but it does *NOT* give you, me, or anyone else the right to patronize anyone. And that's just what these people do: one of the professors even wears FLIP FLOPS to class, arrives completely zoned out, uncaring if folks have read the source material or not, and just drones on and on; then in response, the rest of the class doesn't care, doesn't learn and just uses their over-expensive useless corporate text-blocks as something to rest on. Now, I do live in pretty tiny community, but still.
What kills me is how avoidable seeming the whole thing is; most people honestly want to learn, and it's fun to talk to people about stuff you know. From the professor's standpoint, it seems mostly to be a mix of apathy and lack of faith in any generations in their class, and a desire to have an 'easy' job with tenure, and not have to give a crap. From the student's perspective, they seem to think they'll be young forever, that if they score that liberal arts degree they'll have an easy job, they won't have to give a crap. For this, I blame the incredible merger of corporation and state; you have sucessfully managed to combine rigid discipline that people will *pay* for with a brain-draning experience that continues in multiple levels until all you're left with is a bunch of soulless husks devoid of life or hope. Triple ugh.
Maybe it's not really right of me to stick my nose into everyone's affairs or anything; honestly, I don't know anyone in this town personally or really like them; most seem like young men and women who're eager to throw their life into the corporate cogs I so despise. That being said... And it's lame, I know... I really don't want to see that happen. Emotions, the good and the bad, are something that keep me going when times are tough; knowing that people are going to get by makes me happy, and just seeing people who've already acknowledged (subconsciously if not openly) their subservience to this social order bred by a dime-store Franz Kafka does something to me. Lame lame lame, especially considering that when someone confronts me about the stuff I believe in, or even starts up a conversation, all that crazy confidence? Pshew! I mean, I still talk confident, but I just know I sound stupid.
Dunno where to go from here- I'm exhausted, but I feel I should study for Russian, even if the circles under my eyes are going to make me look even creepster-ier. This probably made no sense, but as usual it helped me immensely. The forces of stagnation have won the day, but eviscerating them in fiction is always good for a few (lame!) laughs. Keep on trucking.
P.S. I love nonsensical titles, but seriously. When someone insults you or someone you know, do you ever find that you can't think of a good comeback till waaay after the fact? It's totally like that one Calvin and Hobbes strip. Curses!
cotton candy halo,
mr uncertainty,