So I've worked at my employer [world famous non-profit] for close to 15 years now. I've worked here for a number of reasons which I'm not going to rank in any particular order, but just list.
- I actually like my job.
- I actually love my coworkers
- The perks of working at a place for years (vacation, sick time, etc) really start to add up
- They've been quite good and understanding to me even through my various medical issues.
- I have nothing resembling actual ambitions other than to continue to get paid, preferably in steadily increasing amounts.
So they had a staff-wide meeting yesterday to announce that our generous pension program was too generous and needed to be immediately frozen at its current level, rather than steadily increasing 1.75% of my salary for every extra year I stayed employed by them. I'm probably an idiot for counting on a pension, but I've been bad at financial planning most of my life and used the promise of a pension as an excuse to not save remotely as much as I should have been, so I am currently split between mild panic on how I'm going to retire if I by some miracle manage to live long enough to retire, and surprisingly intense feelings of betrayal at my employer.
It is perhaps a sign of how blindsided and how unambitious I am that, when I opened my resume to take a first crack at polishing it off, I saw that the address on it was five apartments ago. It has been ten years since I last updated my resume. I am bad at trying to find jobs.