i am really into the idea of rekindling my relationship with the internet right now. i want to have an actual website at osanity.com and keep up my livejournal. i even filled out one of those chain mail survey type things. oh my god.
Two Names You Go By:
1) charles
2) charlie
Two Parts of Your Heritage:
1) jewish
2) dutch
Two Things You Are Wearing Right Now:
1.) boxers
2.) jill's "canada: fits your budget" t-shirt
Two Things You Would Want in a Relationship:
1.) bruises
2.) fancy dates
Two Things You Want Really Badly At The Moment
1.) a washer and dryer in my house
2.) neck massage
Two pets you had/have:
1.) cats
2.) cats
Two people who will fill this out:
1.) ?
Two things you did last night:
1.) made chai tea
2.) watched dvds and ate pizza at jill's house
Two things you ate today:
1.) coffee
2.) nutella on toast
Two people you last talked to:
1.) emily
2.) les
Two Things You Will Do Tonight:
1.) get stoned
2.) eat dinner at ashley's house
Two Favorite Holidays:
1.) my 21st birthday
2.) road trips
Two Things You Can't Live Without:
1.) spooning
2.) my diffuser
Two Favorite Numbers:
1.) 8
2.) 3
Two Of Your Favorite Movies:
1.) times square
2.) clueless
Two (Recent) Favorite Songs:
1.) when you were mine (cyndi lauper's version)
2.) yr mangled heart (gossip)
Two Sports:
1.) getting violent
2.) doin' it
Two Drinks:
1.) hot buttered rum
2.) coffee & jack