
Jul 05, 2009 21:00

Our school has its first case of swine flu, mere hours before the Year 4 residential is set to leave for Devon. (I'm going on this residential with fifty-ish children and four other adults.) The brother of the swine flu victim isn't going, and we're sending out text messages to all the parents and giving them the opporunity to opt out. No opting out for me, of course, but then again I wouldn't get to opt out of school, either. :)

So yeah! The residential should be exciting, five days on a farm with daily activities such as Dartmoor trekking and rockpool-spelunking.

I had a good weekend! I was invited by one of my American coworkers to a July 4th barbecue and we had the WORK, including a flag cake. Aw jeah. I think I did pretty well with the socializing thing and I managed to not feel like a fish out of water.

Today I met up with a knitting friend and we wandered around the Carnival in the Park (formerly known as the Cowley Road Carnival) which was full of fun. I came home and turned some ill-fitting capris into well-fitting shorts, by taking out some of the waist seam at the back (I should do this on all my trousers really, because Baby Got Back, ya know?) and of course shortening them. Also put a new zipper in an old skirt, packed, and I am ready to go! Boo-jeah.

Perhaps I should pack those crazy swine-flu masks my parents brought over. Hmmmm.
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