Me Make Monster

Sep 05, 2009 11:56

I was making something with a dolly face but I didn't like that factory mess up blue smear on her forehead. (Some stray junk got embedded in the vinyl making it discolored.) So, I ripped it out and now she looks whiskery. Maybe I will try making a whiskery baby on purpose sometime.

That's how it goes when you are making a book about making monsters. There has been a lot of trial and erRAWRrrr. Many monsters have been made. Many monsters have been destroyed. There are only so many pages in a book, so there are a bunch of extra beasts lurking around too. I'll be sharing some of those bonus projects here some time soon. In the meantime, I am looking for a few good Dr. Frankenstein types to join my crusade. Do you fancy yourself a monster maker extraordinaire? Maybe you'd like to contribute to my monster book. Email me if that's you. jh AT jennyharada DOT com. BTW, that title up there, "Me Make Monster," is also the title of my book! It will be coming out next year from F+W. Check out all their fabulous crafty titles on My Craftivity.

My brother's family got a new puppy and we made this blueberry pie to celebrate. I can't really take any credit for making this, but I can take credit for eating some. I did however made a quiche with the same crust, my sister-in-law's secret crust recipe, and it came out so good. It was a crusty goodness day!

Here is my favorite new special blend for a tasty sauce. One each of apple, tomato, onion, and banana. I am going to super chop these and throw them in the slow cooker in just a bit for tonight's dinner!

(Originally published at Harada Blogada)

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