Oct 21, 2004 00:51
i've stayed away from sports for a while now, but i recently got all wrapped up in the recent playoffs. It was cool, baseball is such a great game and there's just something endearing and american about it. But tonight ive been realizing why i stayed away from it for so long. Its so black and white. Its win or lose, red sox or yankees. Theres no grey.
But then again its just a game. so its not that big a deal.
But i think the issue is far greater than that. Theres a tendency i think among people to reduce complex issues into a black and white. Red sox = good, Yankees = evil. Or more importantly: Kerry = good, Bush = evil.
First of you alienate people, be them Yankee fans or republicans when you do shit like this. And for what. What does it accomplish. I'll tell you what it accomplishes, it gets people angry at it and makes it much more difficult to get things done.
Life isn't black and white, its grey. so stop being an asshole. Sure its fun with sports, but a competitive polarized outlook like that gets no one anywhere in the long run. plus its really obnoxious and annoying.
thank you