arrgghhh... tired

May 18, 2010 15:14

so i have been feeling very very very tired the last couple days and thought that i might be coming down with something, which was eeek cause of the previous post hospital visits.. (thank you everyone for your comments.. they were and are a great help!!)  anyway.. i then looked at the dates.. oh.. premenstrual.. ohhh.. that will be why i am so tired.. and i suspect that by friday i will be fully menstrual, as my cycle has been kinda short of late.  mmm.. that will be fun, and probably doped up on pain relief, but i have written down my questions and this should be the last month that this happens.. right.. *crosses fingers*... oh gawds i hope so.. *crosses toes for good measure*

and this weekend i will be cleaning my room.. i suspect somewhat slowly but still.. i will clean it.. !!  *nods firmly*

also just to say again.. thank you for a the comments yesterday, i feel way less eekish.. *smiles*

tired, last time., endometriosis

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