Jan 14, 2010 15:10
the Doctor was very nice, which is always good, he said that it is most likely that i have endometriosis but the only way to diagnose it is via an endoscopic surgery. so i said ok.. lets do that.. and now i am on a waiting list.. yay... we shall see...
this Doctor was very nice and sensible and reasonable.. but he still suggested that i go on the pill... which of course makes me gnash my teeth.. however when i explained to him that i do not like who i am when i am on the pill, rather than being concerned about any medical type side effects blood clots, allergic reactions etc etc, anyway he said fair enough.. which was pretty cool actually... i did almost ask what is intercourse cause it has been so long.. during the questions and history section.. *coughgigglecough*
then he sugested that i try this other form of contraceptive.. Mirena which is a small T shaped object that sits in your uterus, and releases small amounts of Levonogestrel which is similar to projesterone.. this apprently is one half of what is in the pill... *frowns a little*..it is meant to make my period lighter..and he sugested that i get it inserted during my endoscope ... *frowns thoughfully*.. i am not sold on this idea... so does anyone have any experiance with these Mirena things?
i might have to do some searching around the internets...
umm.. apprently the waiting list is only six months long.. O.O and they will call me for a preop assessment.. *shrugh*.. i guess we will see.. in the mean time its good that we pretty much know what it is now.. and that gives me other options to look into. and on a waiting list for fun adventure with a tiny camera, that hopfully finds the errant cells and removes them,
so i am also wondering if there is any acupuncturists in Wellington who is any good at treating endometriosis?? i am thinking that i might be a good thing to do after the surgery, complementary so to speak..
gosh so many things to contemplate, and look into. might have to make a list..
fun with needles,