Why I hate essays

Jun 11, 2010 11:04

Gabriel:  Hello?
me:  i missed it by two seconds.TWO SECONDS.
Gabriel:  He'll let it slide

You got it done, which is what matters.

me:  Hopefully. i need to pull my shit together. this is the first time it's happened to me. and you know he was like... "don't be   late!" ? guhhhh. i'm such a dumbass

Gabriel:  Hey hey hey

me:  my procrastination is so bad. ga=fah;EA

Gabriel:  You're being too hard on yourself

me:  no im not. i wasn't hard enough on myself

Gabriel:  Take steps. Steps to defeating procrastination

me:  i shoulda known this woulda happened. GAH WHAT IF HE DOESN'T TAKE IT?!

Gabriel:  He will! No worries

me:  you're being optimistic

Gabriel:  You're being pessimistic

me:  he has no reason to take it. i was late! late is late!

Gabriel:  He has no reason to not take it. Its not like you turned it in at noon

me:  but there's a reason there's such a deadline on the website. it totally shuts down at ten.

Gabriel:  Gah, don't worry about it! Happy face! Its over! No more midterm!

me:  i need to seriously pick my shit up. I know what i'm doing when you're gone... shutting myself in academic solitude

Gabriel:  Don't do that. Steps! Just push yourself a little harder, no need to completely overhaul yourself

me:  what a serious wake up call! I make dumb dumb dumb dumb decisions!

Gabriel:  >.> Well. Now it's breather time. Review yourself, work better in the future

me:  it's not breather time until/if it's accepted

Gabriel:  You did all you can do now. No use worrying about it now that you can't do anything about it

me:  i'm gonna fail

Gabriel:  Alright... I'm coming over and going to step in

me:  step in where?!? my esophagus? WHY MUST YOU DO THAT?! there's not enough room!!! I DON'T WANT YOUR FEET     IN MY ESOPHAGUS
  Gabriel:  O.O... Don't stress, you. No use crying over spilt milk, just try not to spill it next time.

me:  i'm going to go to china and convince someone that i'm a monkey...so they can kill me and eat monkey brains

Gabriel:  Hey. You are not going to do that I will be so depressed

me:  you're right...I DON'T HAVE THE MONEY TO GO TO CHINA

tests make me hysterical. hate them.but i <3 Gabe for listening to my hysterics. xD


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