Living as and loving introverts
The care and feeding of introverts-and what it means to be one or have one as a partner or metamour
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http://www.scarleteen.com 2:20 Poly Movie Review: Carrington
The PW Movie Reviewer Joreth gives a review of the 1995 movie
Carrington. For more poly and poly-ish movie reviews, visit
her movie review page.
8:15 Topic: Introverts vs. Extroverts
Our topic today is a rebroadcast from July 2007 and one of my favorite show topics-the care and feeding of introverts and how to both be one and deal with one in your poly relationship.
This article by Jonathan Rauch on the care and feeding of introverts was the subject of much discussion when I posted it here and to my own blog (the comments are a great discussion)
- introverts can be seen as aloof or snobby
- Rauch clarifies that introverts simply find other people tiring and suggests that introverts find a way to state that in social settings
- even extroverts need time to recharge
- Aiyume mentions on the Myers-Briggs scale
- observations on introverts from the Poly 101 session on Poly for the Introvert in Austin, Texas
- SweetAinsley comments that introverts and extroverts view conversations differently-extroverts focus more on flow and dislike pauses; introverts seek out pauses and don’t talk just to fill space
- Badmagic comments that extroverts don’t necessarily “draw energy from other people” while introverts don’t, but rather it’s a spectrum of how much recharge time folks need; he suggests that introverts try just listening, but be warned people might overshare
Karen comments that introversion makes trying to find a job really difficult
27:40 Wrap-up
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Pacemaker Jane, “Good Suspicions.”
Originally published at
Polyamory Weekly. Please leave any
comments there.