This week Poly Weekly #180:Are happy endings cheating?.
Download the episode directly! Article here 3:07 Minx talks about the article she read about a woman who encouraged her husband to get a “happy ending.” The article was from mom logic.
4:45 Minx brings up the comments, the most interesting part of these type of articles.
5:10 Only a small majority considered “happy endings” cheating.
5:40 Minx goes through the actual comments on the site. and providing her feedback on these comments.
8:10 10 comments in and finally somebody brings up a more supportive comment.
10:20 Minx talks about how great strip clubs are!
10:50 Minx asks the questions, how would this woman feel if the husband wanted to do this regularly?
12:30 What if you aren’t the only thing your husband needs?
14:30 It is important that everybody has the same definitions for terms (e.g. cheating).
0:00 Introduction and host chat
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