Apr 28, 2004 13:21
c Hairm Aniha: alright, it's time to start my routine of the day
No suture: outline yr routine of the day
No suture: before you start it
c Hairm Aniha: i have to find my fucking homework
No suture: trust me you'll feel more accomplished once you can run down the list and check it all off
c Hairm Aniha: okay
c Hairm Aniha: -find homework
c Hairm Aniha: -smoke cigarette
c Hairm Aniha: -clean bathroom
c Hairm Aniha: i wonder if i can do 2 and 3 at the same time
c Hairm Aniha: that might be fun
c Hairm Aniha: and get drunk
No suture: maybe ...if you are on crystal meth
c Hairm Aniha: mumbling to myself
No suture: all those cleaning solvents
No suture: plus cigareette smoke
No suture: and possibly alcohol
No suture: sounds like a winning combination
c Hairm Aniha: i do believe i've found the american dream
No suture: just like pills and nightswimming
c Hairm Aniha: and when my brother comes along i can yell at him about absolutely nothing
c Hairm Aniha: "WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU CAN'T FIT?!@!!?!"
No suture: smoke billowing out of the bathroom
No suture: ...smelling like pine
No suture: yr speech slurred
c Hairm Aniha: me on the ground with a sudsy toothbrush in hand
No suture: wearing rubber gloves
c Hairm Aniha: cigarette in my mouth that hasn't been ashed
No suture: that have cigarette burns on em
c Hairm Aniha: saying in the lowest voice possible "goddamned dirt on everything, who the fuck does god think he is putting dirt on my new tile floor"
No suture:the cigarette has been pushed through a hole you made in one of those like surgeon masks
No suture: i hate people who wear those damn masks to the grocery store
No suture: or liek
No suture: just outdoors
c Hairm Aniha: especially since sars came about
c Hairm Aniha: we should cut their faces and throw dirt in the wound
No suture: as if a sudden chemical or biological attack is going to happen
No suture: and THAT will save them
c Hairm Aniha: it's a good thing .002 percent of the population had their dustmasks on