(no subject)

Oct 29, 2008 20:27


So I've got a mini pumpkin, I've got a recipe for pumpkin cookies, I've got my costume, I've got candy...and I've got plans.

Along with all the fun I plan to have on Halloween with my friends here, I've also signed up for this:

You comment here, I give you a treat. Since Halloween's on the weekend this year, I have confidence in my ability to successfully succeed. :) Might be a drabble, might be a doodle, might be something else... I dunno. Depends on my mood. Feel free to give me requests or prompts. I can't promise I'll be able to do them all, but I'll try my best!

TTFN, no da

EDIT: Wow, this is taking awhile. I DO PROMISE THAT YOU WILL ALL GET STUFF. Just. Maybe after my demonology midterm on Tuesday.
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