Mar 11, 2011 09:09
I keep hearing that we are in for bad times ahead. Every generation thinks back on how better things were before. That is just not the case. Even now in this recession we are better off than any generation before us. I don't have the exact figures but my ECON professor showed us the data from legitimate sources a year ago. The economy is cyclical and things will come back one way or another. Life is a circle too. There are good times and bad. We could have Utopia out there and someone would be saying, "We are heading for bad times." Things are built and things fall. New things are built in place of the fallen. This is how it has always been and this is how it will always be. Change is one of the few constants in life. We need to stop looking at the negative and focus on how to make the best of what we have and what is coming. I am not saying forget the past, that would just be stupid. Learn from it so mistakes are not repeated (even though some will be) and step into the future with your eyes open and looking up. If you are always looking down, you will be constantly bumping into things.
The 35W bridge collapse was tragic. Many people lost their lives. There is now a new bridge. How many people who use that bridge every day even think about the collapse of the old one? Things fall, new things come in their place.
People said that the spilled oil from BP's accident was going to destroy the coastal areas. Nothing came of that. There is so much water in the ocean that the oil was diluted enough that nothing bad happened. Nature gets by.
Every time people think they are so big and can hurt others, nature shows us how small we and fragile we really are. A tornado here, an earthquake there.
Do not misunderstand me. We can and do make an impact on the world. One hornet's sting hurts a little, a hundred can kill you, think what billions can do? We are leaving a mark on our planet make no mistake, but when we go the way of the dinosaurs and the next life comes and starts excavating they may well wonder what the hell we were thinking. The Matrix described humans as a virus. Perhaps. But could we also be our own cure? We are starting to see the impacts that we are having around us. Is it possible we could undo the harm we have done? I don't know, but was can try.
I hope that when I pass from this life, I can pass a better circle to my children and grandchildren. Isn't that the hope of every generation? A better world. If we want this better world, why are we so sure that bad times are coming? Work for good times. Live life and be happy!