(no subject)

Jan 07, 2007 11:27

In 2006 I:

[ ] stayed single
[x] got kissed
[x] kissed someone new
[x] made out
[x] made out in a car
[ ] kissed in the snow
[ ] kissed in the rain
[ ] fell in love
[ ] fell in love with a fool
[x] had my heart broken
[x] broke someone else's heart
[ ] had a stalker
[x] lost a friend
[x] had a good relationship with someone
[ ] questioned my sexual orientation
[ ] came out of my closet
[ ] got pregnant
[ ] had an abortion
[ ] got married
[ ] had a divorce
[x] kissed someone of the same sex
[x] dated someone that I will never forget
[x] did something I regret
[ ] lost my true love
[ ] lost faith in love
[ ] kissed under mistletoe
[ ] got a promotion
[ ] got a pay raise
[x] changed jobs
[ ] lost my job
[x] quit my job
[ ] dated a co-worker
[ ] dated my boss
[ ] dated my boss's son/daughter
[ ] got fired from my job
[ ] got straight A's
[ ] met a teacher who I became friends with
[ ] met a teacher who I really hate
[ ] found the subject I love
[ ] failed a class
[x] cut class
[x] skipped school
[x] got in a fight with a classmate
[x] did something I was proud of
[ ] discovered a new talent
[ ] proved myself an idiot
[ ] embarrassed myself in front of the class
[ ] fell in love with a teacher
[ ] got the lead role in the school play
[ ] made a varsity team
[x] was involved in something that I will never forget
[ ] painted a picture
[ ] wrote a poem
[ ] ran a mile
[ ] listened to music I couldn't stand
[x] double dipped
[x] skinny dipped
[x] went to a sleepover
[ ] went to camp
[ ] threw a surprise party
[x] laughed till I cried
[ ] laughed till I peed my pants
[x] flirted shamelessly
[ ] visited a foreign country
[ ] visited a foreign state
[ ] cooked a disastrous meal
[xx] lost something important to me
[xx] got a gift I love
[x] realized something new about myself
[ ] went on a diet
[ ] tried to gain weight
[x] dyed my hair.
[x] came close to losing my life
[xx] someone close to me died
[x] went to a wild party
[x] drank alcohol
[x] drank alcohol underage
[x] got drunk
[ ] got arrested
[x] read a great book
[x] saw a great movie
[ ] saw a movie so scary that it made me cry
[ ] saw a favorite band live
[ ] did something that I want to tell everyone
[x] experienced something new
[x] made new friends
[x] found out who your real friends are
[x] lied to your parents
[ ] snuck out
[ ] got in trouble with police
[ ] kissed in a pool
[x] kissed under the stars
[ ] smoked for the first time
[ ] did illegal drugs for the first time
[x] got wasted
[x] went to a party
[x] had the time of your life
[x] danced
[ ] fell out of love
[x] had a crush on someone
[ ] changed your sexual preference
[x] swam in a pool
[ ] made a snowman
[ ] went snowboarding
[ ] went sledding
[ ] slept in past 2 pm
[x] held someones hand that you care about
[x] had a fling or relationship with someone
[x] got wasted in a public place
[ ] got wasted in Mexico
[x] told someone you like them as more than a friend
[x] gone on vacation
[ ] gone on vacation with a friend
[x] driven a car
[ ] played strip poker
[ ] danced in the rain
[ ] got in a car accident
[ ] seen someone get in a car accident
[ ] got in a fist fight
[x] laughed until you couldn't breathe
[x] had an amazing year
[x] missed someone
[ ] sent someone to the hospital
[ ] got a new pet
[x] enjoyed this year overall

I had to put my dog down today.  We think she suffered a minor stroke last night.  After a long hard road of treatment and medications and tons of money, it was all for nothing.  She got diagnosed with Cushings right before Christmas and our vet filled out a 21 page application/request form to the FDA to allow us to get un-FDA approved medication imported from GB.  The request just got granted Friday or Thursday.  Last night she lost the use of her back legs and was howling in pain.  I was left with her for 2 hours before my parents could get home and we rushed her to the emergency vet.  We were going to see how she was today and hold on to her one more day but when my parents got up this morning they knew it was time...I went down and sat with her until my parents were ready to go.  She would move except to shake and her eyes were half closed and she just looked like she gave up.  It was absolutely horrible, seeing her like that and hearing her last night and not be able to reassure her since she wouldn't understand.  We're not getting another dog.  My mom can't handle it again.  She's the one home all day with the animal and is the one that gets the most attached.  It's just too damn hard.

I'm off to go to John's to hopefully keep my mind off this since its been replaying in my head since last night.  That and her falling down the stairs.  Both are on repeat in my head and it sucks.

The only good news that I can think of right now is that I'm officially getting hired at my temp position in a couple weeks, and with that my salary will go up "significantly" (no numbers yet).  They're waiving the 3 month wait period on benefits and giving them to me the day I'm hired. 
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