Sep 08, 2007 17:34
1. Leave me a casual comment of no particular significance, like how many bees you could fit in your mouth or what you want to eat for dinner. Any remark, meaningless or not.
2. I will respond by asking you five personal questions so I can get to know you better.
3. Update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
4. Include this explanation and offer to ask someone else in your own post.
5. When others respond with a desultory comment, you will ask them five questions.
here are mine:
1. Would you feel more nervous walking on an unstable surface above a great height, or walking on a stable surface under a sketchily dangling large heavy object?
Hmmm, I think i have to be overly logical on this one. If the unstable surface breaks i have nowhere to go & fall. On the other hand if something is falling my way i have plenty of areas to at least attempt to flee. I guess i'd like to have the illusion that i can avoid my doom if nothing else.
2. What was the best costume you ever made up, either for Halloween or other costume parties?
That's tough, well i went to a halloween party as trouble: i flipped things over & generally caused a ruckus all night. But i think the one that would have to win in my mind at least is the Halloween i went out to trick or treat as a large box. That's right, i was a box- worth it for the startled people when i started moving, ill-advised due to that group of kids that surrounded me and kicked me for a good five minutes....that came out sounding worse than in my head.
3. What chemical element do you find to be the most depressing?
Hydrogen, atomic number of 1 what a lonely little feller. it is a colorless, odorless, nonmetallic, tasteless, highly flammable, an atomic mass of 1.00794 lightest little guy around, you know all the other elements talk bad about Hydrogen when hydrogen is busy making up 75% of the universe. Most of all i guess i feel bad that no how many little hydrogens are floating out there, if Hydrogen is left alone it doesn't have buddies to hang out with like the rest of the periodic table. oh well, at least Hydrogen gets to hang out with other folks to do cool things, like other hydrogens & Oxygen.
4. What are your top 3 shapes of pasta (not including any stuffed pastas such as ravioli or tortellini)? I hope that's not confusing...but you know, like penne or wagon wheels or bowtie or elbow or spaghetti or angel hair or spaetzle. There are so many.
not confusing at all. In no specific order:
1.Fettuccine- just the right thickness & width: also "fettuccine alfredo is mac & cheese for grown ups"-Mitch Hedberg.
2.Alphabet pasta- i mean it's food! & words!
3.Orzo- silly pasta, why do you think you're rice?
it's odd i really like tubie & twisty pasta but those three win.
5. How often do you change your bedsheets?
I don't have a set time period: i change them when i feel i need too. Being as i roll around & undo my sheets from night terrors- i end up without them for a little, change them & back they go.