I shall never be fully satisfied with my life until I own an Army helmet. I own scarves for feeling dramatic and a fedora for feeling menacing, so it follows that I need a prop for days like this, when I want a pile of minions shouting, "yes, commander!" as I read them directions from a list.
Tomorrow is my first day on the Uberman Sleep Schedule, or USS, as I'll call it for reasons of sanity. (Not to be confused with any ships, though it'd be a neat pun to own a ship called the 'USS Polyphasic'. Ack. The bad jokes need to stop-- I'm not even sleep deprived yet.) I'm terribly, almost childishly excited. My sister has decided to come along for the ride, along with a few other friends. Hurrah!
A shiny new Sunbeam Kitchen Timer now sits on my nightstand, the most recent acquisition to my Arsenal of Alarms. (See? Need the helmet, need it.) That, my watch, my alarm clock, the microwave timer (if I can figure out how to program the bloody thing), and a copy of
Placebo's Polyphasic Sleep Soundtrack on CD all stand between me and oversleeping. I feel prepared.
Beat that, Morpheus.
Yes, that was both a pitiful Sandman reference and a nod to Greek mythology. I'm that hardcore.
Anyways. Tomorrow's schedule is to follow the 2:00, 6:00, 10:00, 14:00, 18:00, 22:00 schedule. (I'm going to use military time, because I've some vague notion that it'll be less confusing. Ha.) I'll probably end up sleeping in the car with my PolyNap CD for the 18:00 and 22:00 naps, as tomorrow is also school-shopping day, and the mall is a good 45 minute drive from here. Other than shopping, I intend to do a bit of organizing in the morning (I've been away almost all summer, and the upstairs is chaotic with strewn books anc things), exercising, and reading (of course, since the trip includes a trip to Borders. Hurrah!).
I'll report back later. Wish me the power to positively manifest my intentions, or, if you're lame, luck.