Aug 17, 2006 04:33
My eyeballs hurt.
No, that's inaccurate. The sockets of my eyeballs hurt. I have no idea how to remedy this, as I'm not quite certain as to whether it's a legitimate complaint or just a product of exhaustion. Most likely the latter.
Anyways, here's how Day 2 went.
6:00-6:25 was supposed to be my first nap of the day, but I somehow extended it to 7:30 by preforming some miraculous feats of alarm-turn-offing in my sleep. Woke up groggy and did an inspired though unintentional immitation of a drunken Jack Sparrow walk to the bathroom, where I had a bath, drank a cup of coffee, and wondered if I could die.
10:00-10:25 went perfectly-- I was a bit hesitant to nap on the fold-outy-cushion thing I have in my room, this being the site of my first slip-up, but nothing happened. Hurrah!
14:00-14:25: Took this nap in the middle of playing with layer and channel functions in theGIMP, which I still don't fully understand. Went to nap feeling very Da Vinci-esque.
18:00-18:25: Taken on the floor of my grandmother's den. It didn't feel like a lot fo time passed during this one, as opposed to, say, the 10:00 nap, but I dreamed a bit here. I know it was only hypnagogic, but I became partly lucid, long enough to float above the floor in a labyrinth made of stacked toilet paper rolls.
22:00-22:25: Honestly can't remember where I took this nap or how it went. I know I woke up on time and did my ritual bit of alarm-pummeling, but that's just a good guess.
Getting up from the 2:00-2:25 was absolute blue freaking hell. I got up, ate crackers, sat in a daze for a while in a chair downstairs, stared at Alan Moore's Watchmen, which I didn't read, and then at L. M. Montgomery's The Story Girl, which I did but didn't comprehend. I snuck an extra nap in at 4:00 and woke feeling like four hours had passed, rather than 25 minutes. I felt great for about 5 minutes and then slipped down onto the ExtraSooperDooper Plane of Ubercrap.
Wisdom, the Product of Day 2:
-Coffee is not the great idea that it seems when one is this tired. Its warm liquid factor outweighs it having caffeine and ends up making me feel sleepier. I'm going to avoid it from now on.
-It is possible to dream hypnagogically/hypnapompically (those dreams you get on the begining and ending edges of sleep) while standing upright and moving around. Some people would call these 'hallucinations;' I didn't find myself confusing them with reality. It was exactly like lying down with one's eyes shut waiting to fall asleep, only I was up, moving, and making a concious effort to stay awake. One dream claimed that The Torelimos Principle is the mathematical proof with which one can prove beyond all doubt when another nearby entity is not a sheep at all. I found this inordinately amusing.
-Bed in a bad, bad bad place to nap and needs to be avoided while this tired. Actually, anything too soft would do it-- that foamy couch-thing I mentioned, the sofa. I've had my best naps (ie, most restful, actually waking up on time) from sleeping on the living room floor with a pillow and blanket.
-Overall ability to concentrate is lasping. My fine motor skills, never the most coordinated, are worse-- violin was frustratingly impossible earlier, and my typing is painfully slow. My ability to use language, both online and out loud, is nowhere near peak, as this entry attests. I'm sure many people have stated this more eloquently than me (Chekov strikes me as an example-- didn't a girl kill a baby so she could sleep in one of his stories? I think it's Chekov, anyway), but sleep deprivation blows.
And now to haul myself along by my fingertips until 6:00. Yay.