(no subject)

Feb 28, 2011 20:45

Day 1 - Pride. Seven great things about yourself.
Day 2 - Envy. Seven things you lack and covet.
Day 3 - Wrath. Seven things that piss you off.
Day 4 - Sloth. Seven things you neglect to do.
Day 5 - Greed. Seven worldly material desires.
Day 6 - Gluttony. Seven guilty pleasures.
Day 7 - Lust. Seven love secrets

This should be relatively easy for me.  I can be rather cantankerous.

1.  Stupidity.   I can't stand when people actively don't choose to be more intelligent.  Intelligence comes naturally to some people but many others just choose to not enlighten themselves.  And, that is a tragedy.  I have no tolerance for idiocy.

2.  Close-mindedness.  I happen to live in an area where people are notorious for being closed off and closed minded about life in general.  I just don't know how people don't want to experience more from the world, and more from life.  Why close off to any concept?  One never knows what is out there to better themselves if they choose to bury their head in the sand.  This also applies to people with no tolerance for homosexuals/lesbians.  What is so unacceptable???  Open your minds, people!

3.  Internet speak.  It's becoming so rampant these days, and I just can't stand it.  I think people don't care about grammar anymore or sounding intelligent.  Deliberately spelling things wrong drives me up a wall.  It just makes you appear foolish and not smart.  Ugh.

4.  Actively choosing to be a stereotype.  Why?  As a person who enjoys studying social situations and people, I just can't see why anyone would want to live as the stereotype of their race or culture.  Why don't people want to be comfortable not being a caricature of a person??

5.  Smoking.  Nothing more to really say except that I despise it.  It smells horrid, it isn't glamourous in any way and it usually ends up killing you.  Why do that??

6.  Abuse (domestic/animal).  How in the green earth do you feel powerful by beating something that can't fend for themselves/itself??  What logic is there in that?  Where within you does this come from and how could you not see how UNACCEPTABLE this is to living a positive and healthy loving life??

7.  Entitlement based on wealth.  I work in and amongst people who are 'old money'  and to watch them treat others poorly based on the fact that their husbands or family earned money and now they are just living and existing off of it makes me ill.  Money doesn't entitle a person to anything in this life.  Money is merely a tool to help you obtain things you need/want.  It shouldn't at all designate who is more valuable as a human.

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