On Downloading

Aug 01, 2010 01:26

To me, downloading songs is a useful tool.
I would have never gotten into Dir en grey if it wasn't for Audiogalaxy saying, if you like Gackt, you'll love Dir en grey.
Which I did, and now I buy several copies of their CDs. I buy the Japanese version, the American version. I own versions of Withering to Death.
To assuage my guilt, I have been buying MP3s off of Amazon.com. Especially for independent sort of bands who are not very well known.
I don't feel so guilty about downloading Madonna, but Jonatha Brooke? Patrick Wolf? Not so much.
Would it be ridiculous to buy a physical CD and also buy the MP3s? Truth be known, my CD player doesn't want to play CDs anymore. I have a dvd drive on my computer, 2 PlayStations that might want to play songs, but it's more convenient to just smack songs onto my portable Dell DJ. I need music constantly, after all, especially out there into the world with people making irritating noises and me needing to block said irritating noises.
CDs are good for the artwork and the collector's item aspect, but I don't even have a portable CD player anymore.
MP3s are the wave of the future. Rather than hate this technology, why not work with it and use it with respect?

The only problem is, I need to eat, pay rent and bills :o(.
I want more music.
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