Mar 15, 2010 15:14
There will be no baby shower nor traditional cukur rambut ceremony for my son since my family is not into it. The thing is mother in law wants to make a small thanksgiving function for him. Lucky not cukur rambut or my parents would have a fit! There is no way i will let anyone shave his head and thank god the in laws respected my wish. Since its her house my family will not object but all i can say is it is not our idea. Kids' events are meant to be filled with fun, games, magic shows, balloons, more kids & not mixed with religous stuff. Hm if i posted this at facebook i bet many people would bash my face or shoot me down. Sorry i have different ideals.
ps: banyak cool ke majlis cukur rambut buat bawah block? isk pat gitu orang kita besar besarkan. confirm salam kerok. just saw an old friend upload her baby daughter's cukur rambut function at facebook held at the void deck with karaoke & marhaban. mak bapak baby pakai macam pengantin siak. i shall not taint my son with such old fashioned ways that are not neccessary.
via ljapp