Weekend Update

Apr 07, 2008 09:35

I spent the weekend with Chris. It was a great weekend.

Friday afternoon I drove out there after work, stopping and dawdling along the way to avoid traffic. I got there after supper and after the kids were to bed. We sat around and chatted and goofed off for a while, then went to sleep.

Saturday morning, we all got up and piled into a couple of cars to go to Farm&Fleet. Being a city-dweller, the nearest F&F to me is very far away indeed; 'Way out in Sycamore, to be exact. And I had a couple of things I'd hoped to get. But I didn't get them. F&F failed me. Oh well.
Then we got back into different cars and drove back; Thea and Mo went home, and Chris and the Weasel and I went first to my office, where I did a little work and checked the cat, then to the Kane County Flea Market. That was very fun. I almost bought some more old phones, but I didn't want to lug them, and when I went back at the end, they were gone. Oh well; I don't need more phones. I did buy a belt and some pickles.
After that, we went back to the house. There was some discussion re: whether The Weasel should come with on the next excursion, but it was determined that it would be quite far past bedtime and there would be no going to church in the morning in that case, so The Weasel stayed home.
Chris and I went to Rockford to the Rockford Rage roller derby game. It was a lot of fun, as derby always is. It was supposed to have been their season championship, but they had lost so many players recently that they had to reshuffle the teams and borrow some players from another league to make it work, so it was really an exhibition game. So there was a lot of unfamiliarity in the teams' playing styles. But derby is still derby and it was still fun. After the bout we chatted a while with some of the girls and then drove home.

Sunday morning we all got up. Weasel and grandparents went to church; Chris and I went to drop some stuff off at the home of a friend of his, then ran some random errands. Then we came home and puttered around. At one point we were down at the foot of his...pasture? back lawn? It's big enough to play soccer, except it's on an incline. Anyway, the back gate is falling apart. In fact we saw that one of the boards of the fence was broken in half and the whole thing was about to collapse. So we headed out and bought wood and hardware and so on. Drove back to the house and tosses the wood over the fence and went to lunch. Ended up at a really nice BBQ place near his house, where we got food to go and chatted with the barmaid. Then brought the food back and ate with Thea. Then Chris and I started in on the gate. Took it off its hinges, extracted the bad board. Replaced the board, tightened up the rest of the joints, and hung it back up. Then we attached a wheel on a leg to the swinging end of the gate to keep it from sagging and help with the opening. It works pretty well now, although it's still a bit out of whack. It really needs to be completely rebuilt from scratch, but we didn't have that kind of time or enthusiasm. But at any rate it'll last the season now.
Then back up to the house for more lounging about, and then it was getting time for dinner. Chris, his dad, The Weasel, and I went back to that same BBQ place. It's really good. Thea and Chris' mom stayed home and apparently had peanut butter sandwiches. Then more general hanging around, and then I came home.

A really nice familiar weekend. With family time, and meeting new friends. Very nice.

derby, updates, happy thoughts

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