Title: Here In This Perdition
cidercupcakesRating: NC-17
Fandoms: Supernatural/Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Words: ~25,500
Pairing: Buffy Summers/John Winchester/Castiel, plus various combinations of any two of those three; mentions of Faith/Dean.
Spoilers: Mostly written before S5 of SPN began, so not really spoilery for anything beyond S4 of that; minor spoilers for S8 of Buffy.
Disclaimer: Whedon, Kripke, etc. No money is being made, for external use only, etc.
Notes: Written as part of the
polybigbang challenge. Many, many thanks to everyone who listened to me yammer about it, but especially to
chosenfire28, for the gorgeous artwork and feedback on the rough draft, and to
inlovewithnight, who put up with what must have been literally dozens of emails, cheerled throughout, offered suggestions when I was stuck, and then beta-read it besides. This would not have happened without her.
Warnings: I've dwelt a bit on the consent issues that SPN raises for possession cases, and while I've done it in such a way that I've become comfortable with it, mileage will vary. Plus, there's a minor character death.
Summary: A twice-dead Slayer, a formerly-dead Hunter, and an angel cut off from heaven. It's going to be a hell of a road trip. *puts on sunglasses* YEEEEAAAAAAHHHHHH
Part 1,
Part 2,
Part 3 Bonus Content:
Cover art by
mix by me.
Crossposted several places, including
buffy_john, because it is absurd how hard I ship that pairing. /o\