Again, these are old and such. But still good stories. Figure I should just end the year with a clean slate. Enjoy!
Supernatural (15 Recs)
Faithfully Guided, Draw Now Near - Sam/Dean [R] - This had two of my favorite things: possessive!Sam and schmoopy fun. Highly enjoyable. Dean had lost patience five minutes ago and had gone to get their stuff. Fled in terror, more like, wearing a look that screamed room, now, get me the fuck away from this.
A Peacefulness Follows by
lazy_daze - Post All Hell Breaks Loose - Part 2, Sam/Dean [NC-17] - After everything is dealt with Sam chooses Dean. It's wonderfully schmoopy and what I would love for the boys. (And I highly recommend the remix,
If I Knew It'd Be This Easy , as well.) Sam feels giddy and new, rolling his thumb over the soft warm skin of his brother's stomach. This is like nothing before; it's like free-falling, the mattress soft under his shoulders and the jut of Dean's collarbone hard under his lips.
Chasing the Sun by
petwritings - Post All Hell Breaks Loose - Part 2, Sam/Dean [NC-17] - Dean sends Sam back to school and a normal life, but has to reconsider when he meets Sam's new boyfriend. I love how utterly clueless and demented Dean is and how, no matter what, he shows up at Sam's door. And I love that Sam is so resolute about things. Sam's back to his beloved "normal" and even though they talk on the phone a few times a week (and Sam leaves a lot of messages), these days Dean is happy to leave him to it. It's what he'd been fighting for, after all, what the whole damn quest had been about. Sam's safe, finishing his undergrad degree, getting ready for law school. Dean's back to hunting, the only thing he knows how to do. Things are back the way they should be.
Ashes - Post All Hell Breaks Loose - Part 2, Sam/Dean [NC-17] - Whenver Sam disappears, Dean always finds him. I am a sucker for fics of the boys through the years and this one so perfectly fits how Sam sees his brother. This is how it starts: when Sam is six months old, he gets carried out of a fire in his brother's arms. Doesn't matter that he doesn't remember that moment very clearly when he's older; it's just that ever since then, Dean is always there. Doesn't matter where Sam goes, if he runs or hides or gets lost, Dean finds him. Always.
Everything, After by
destina - Supernatural, Post No Rest for the Wicked, Sam/Dean [R] - Sam rescues Dean from hell and takes care of him. I think the Sam/Dean that comes about is a great, but what I loved most about this story was how much they love each other, how much their worlds revolve around one another, and how things are only right (for both of them) when they're together. Sam's heart is exploding inside his chest, bursting with joy he won't acknowledge. Can't. Not yet. Not until he's sure. He meets Dean's eyes, lets him look, looks back; the job is almost done, now.
Now We're Alone, Now We're Alive by
lazy_daze - Post No Rest for the Wicked, Sam/Dean [PG-13] - This was written for me in the Free-For-All Meme, where I asked for jealous!Sam (one of my favorite things). This is so damn good. It has a jealous!Sam that sums up what I love about it - how he's so used to having Dean's attention/worry/love, that he doesn't want it focused on anyone else. And then it adds the post-Hell feelings they have. So very good. Sam's always been a bit of a jealous person - he's come to accept it as one of his character flaws. He's always liked people's full attention, thinks maybe it was because he always had Dean's, growing up, and latched onto it fiercely in the absence of Dad's.
Wrecked by
setissma - Post Lazarus Rising [PG] - A lovely, short coda that provides a Sam & Dean moment set in the aftermath of the episode. I love how Sam is pissed and yet can't stop himself from going to Dean. So perfectly them. It’s a long drive back to the motel, and Dean has to pull Bobby up three flights of stairs. He’s fumbling for the room key when Sam jerks the door open, staring.
it’s still far too soon to say you’ll be okay by
lyra_wing - Post Lazarus Rising [PG] - A great gen missing scene where Sam allows himself to really believe that Dean is back. I've always loved the way Lyra writes the boys and this doesn't disappoint. It's a nice moment for Sam and Dean. Sam swallowed down the tightness in his throat with a click, nodded, and shut the bathroom door behind him. He leaned his forehead against the door for a second, closing his eyes. Inside, he could hear the shower spurting and hissing as it started up. This was really happening.
Things Hoped For by
oxoniensis - Post Lazarus Rising [PG-13] - An interesting coda where Dean tells Sam about what he found out and Sam deals with a mix of relief and jealousy at not being the one to save his brother. This has great voices and just the right mix of angst and teasing between the boys. "So, what, you believe this creature, this Castiel? You believe he's an angel?" Sam's pushing, and he knows it. It feels like he's waiting for Dean to push back. Spoiling for a fight and he's only just got Dean back.
His Choice by
yesterday4 - Post Lazarus Rising [R] - Another amazing gen coda. This one deals with Dean's reaction to Castiel's appearance - skepticism. Loved it. He ignores all thoughts divine quite resolutely, but fifteen minutes in, and his hands are running down his chest, over his arms-checking. It’s pretty unbelievable, pretty hoax-like, and it feels like a trick.
Everyone of Us Is a Liar by
musesfool - Post Lazarus Rising [PG] - Takes place right where the episode lets off. I really enjoyed how freaked out all three of them are and how Dean manages to tell the truth while omitting some facts. After Castiel is gone, Dean sinks down onto his knees to check on Bobby again. Not because his legs are shaking and can't hold him up. No, not at all. And his hands aren't shaking either, when he reaches out to check Bobby's pulse, which is strong and steady against his fingertips, as if Bobby's only sleeping.
The Center Cannot Hold by
merepersiflage - Post Lazarus Rising, Sam/Dean [NC-17] - Missing scene from the episode that's hot and achey and just how I like to imagine the boys. Sam’s heart was two more beats away from punching its way out of his chest when Dean’s body finally took the same path as his implacable stare and moved toward Sam.
Pick a Star on the Dark Horizon by
javajunkie13 - Post No Rest for the Wicked, Sam/Dean [R] - Sam gets Dean out of hell and they both try to learn to live again. I really loved this story. The wincest is almost besides the point as this story is really about how much Sam and Dean need and love one another. One month in, and it’s still a little overwhelming to have Dean back, still a little unbelievable after almost six months without him. The panic of it all has mostly disappeared, the fear that Dean will vanish between one blink and the next, but there are still days when Sam wonders if he’s finally lost it, started imagining Dean there with him because he doesn’t know how to survive without him.
Angels Above While You Sleep by
smilla02 - Post In the Beginning [PG-13] - A great Mary gen piece set in the aftermath of the episode. I like the tone of this story, how Mary deals and prepares. He's all she has. John, and the sons she bore for him. For herself. Dean already grown up and bright-eyed and Sam, tiny and small. They're beautiful.
Untitled by
winterweathered - Post Metamorphasis [PG] - Set in the aftermath, Sam and Dean deal with the Ruby situation. This is great and I really hope something like this happens in canon where Sam can talk to Dean and Dean realizes what Sam went through. Sam takes a deep breath - Dean feels the shudder of it under his hand - and clears his throat. He hunches forward, digs around in his foot well, and comes up with the worn-in shoebox of music. When he speaks, his voice has lost the defensive, threatening tone he's been hiding behind for days.