Guest Reccer: Top Ten Sam/Jess Fics

May 23, 2008 20:21

I have seen a grand total of one episode of Supernatural (3x01), but it’s difficult to be on LiveJournal and not come across the (very prolific and passionate) fandom. Perhaps it’s because I watch Friday Night Lights and found out the actress who plays Tyra was Jessica Moore, but somehow I started reading the Sam/Jess fics I could find…and completely fell in love with the characters. Below are my ten favorite Sam/Jess fic, in no particular order.

Title: Square in a Round by stephanometra
Rating: Very NC-17
Summary: Sam finds something that belongs to Jess, and is fucked. Figuratively first, then literally.
Why do I love this story? Because it features my ultra super-secret (not anymore) kink: pegging. Plus it had a name, Ivan (heh!)

Title: Ties That Bind by kellifer-fic
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Pre-series: They probably didn’t make it to the event that night.
The smut in this sub-fandom is HOT. Kellifer’s fic is short (only 800 words or so), but damn! *fans self*

Title: Is this desire? by femmenerd
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Later though, in the sweaty dark, reality settles in and he wonders how he can ever do this-make her his family-without having Jess know the one he’s already got.
A Top Ten Sam/Jess list wouldn’t be complete without certain authors. femmenerd is one of them. I love this particular story because it’s smutty, but it’s shows their sex life in such a realistic way, complete with getting tested and being on the Pill and even talking about having kids someday.

Title: No, Make Something Up by trollprincess
Rating: R
Summary: Sam is honest with Jessica…and learns that she can handle it. Completely AU
So those authors? trollprincess is the other one. In fact, two of her stories are on this list, but there could have easily been four more. She’s the Sam/Jess fanfic queen. I’m reccing this particular story because I fascinated with the what-if? What if Sam didn’t try to hide his childhood? What if Jess never died? This story explores one of the possibilities.

Title: Firsts by ciaan
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Girl meets boy. Girl gets boy. Jessica’s POV
Another short fic that explores the beginning of Sam & Jess’ relationship (well, one way it could’ve begun…we don’t really know).

Title: Buckle Up Tight by mona1347
Fandom: Supernatural
Rating: NC-17
Who: Sam, Jessica Moore
Summary: "What about you?" Sam whispers against her mouth, breathless.
A PWP that just leaves me in a puddle of goo. It’s that good.

Title: When by Now and Tree by Leaf (She Laughed His Joy, She Cried His Grief) by pyrebi
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Sam tried to be normal at Stanford. Jessica helped him pretend. Jessica’s POV.
The writing, the imagery, the snapshots at the life that Sam and Jess might have had at Stanford, from her POV. I have to try very hard to keep to tears from falling every time I get to the end.

Title: Family Secrets by ignipes
Rating: PG
Summary: There is less than a week before the wedding, and Jessica is starting to wonder if she ought to be more panicked about marrying into a family she knows almost nothing about. Completely AU.
An AU where both Mary and Jess live and it’s up to Mrs. Winchester to educate her soon to be daughter-in-law on the family business. I just love this fic.

Title: The Living Years by Cathy1967 (over at
Rating: NC-17
Summary: He thought it could last forever. He was wrong. Sam POV.
Another ‘Sam & Jess in love at Stanford’ fic. But Cathy1967 just write it so real: “The novelty wore off after a while and half a year into the relationship, it fell into a pattern that felt like old, well-worn slippers. And he wanted it to last forever, because this was good, this was bliss.” Yes-that’s what a good, long-term relationship is! Such good writing.

Title: A Little White Lie Here And There Never Hurt Anybody by trollprincess
Rating: R
Summary: Twenty things Jessica Moore never told Sam Winchester.
A second fic from the Sam/Jess queen. I like that Jessica had secrets too (even if some of them were quite trivial). Plus I’m not loving the brown jacket either (at least what I’ve seen from pictures).

spn pre-series, top ten, pairing: sam/jess, supernatural

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