Miscellaneous/Multifandom - 9 Recs

Mar 02, 2008 22:13

And here are the last of them that I've been collecting for the time being. More multifandom. I'm sure I'll have more SPN in the near future as Mystery Spot stories are one of my new favorite things.

Miscellaneous (9 Recs)

1. Brotherly Love by poisontaster - Black Donnellys, Tommy/Kevin [R] - The voices in this story are perfect and I love how possessive Tommy is of Kevin, even when he doesn't fully understand it. Walking along, minding his own business and thinking about maybe catching some dinner in the diner when Fishhook Fairlane sidles up to him with a nod and a "Hey, yo, Tommy."

2. You Still Feel Safe Inside by merle_p - Brothers & Sisters - Justin-centric piece throughout the first season up until season two premiere. I really loved the picture this paints of Justin and his relationships with his brothers & sisters. He doesn’t know how long he has been sitting there, but suddenly, Kevin is there, pale and breathless, and scoops him up, hugging him and dropping kisses on Justin’s skin. Justin is so relieved that he starts crying, and Kevin carries him all the way back to where the others are waiting, upset and worried.

3. Into the Black Petals - Burn Notice, Michael/Fiona [R] - Set pre-series, Michael and Fiona get out of a tight jam and fall into each other’s arms. I loved the look at their relationship before the show. Hot and wonderful. "Can we talk about this later?" he asked. Sirens rose in the distance, a familiar and unwelcome wail. "When people aren't shooting at us?"

4. Leave My Brother Alone by lostandalone22 - Charmed [PG] - Wyatt protects Chris from a bully. I love overprotective big brothers and this is just perfect. Wyatt moved a couple of inches, completely blocking David, the school bully, from getting to his brother. Chris was gentle, too kindhearted for his own good, and kids like David picked up on that the second they saw it. When the bullying had started, Chris told Wyatt to leave it alone, to let him fight his own battles, but today was the last straw.

5. Five Flights Dan and Casey Wished They’d Missed by celli - Sports Night, Dan/Casey [PG] - I might be biased as this was written for me, but I love the various conversations between the two. It's so perfectly them. Dan turned an incredulous look in Casey's direction. "One, he's the person talking about the status of our flight. Two, if I have a choice between the sane and competent view to the east and the crazy view to my immediate north, which should I pick? And three--" He broke into a grin. "Three, you're kind of cute when you're jealous."

6. Breakfast: Central Park West by scrunchy - Sports Night [G] - Dan & Casey spend Saturday morning hanging out. As always, scrunchy writes a pitch perfect Dan & Casey exchange and Dan is so perfectly adorable about geeking out on the Natural Science Museum. "Again, and - your crabby caveat notwithstanding, Dan, it's a thing about bugs. And we were there two months ago. It's - even when Charlie was young enough where we could expect it of him, he never demanded this kind of repeat visit to the Museum of Natural History."

7. The Stars From the Ground by giddygeek - Torchwood, Post Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang, Jack/Ianto [no rating] - It’s wonderful fluff where Jack and Ianto have their first date. I love these two. As he's buckling himself back in, Jack leans toward him, catches his chin in the palm of his hand, turns his head. "I missed you," he says, quietly, searching Ianto's eyes for something, some hint to what Ianto is thinking; he's always done that, as if he'd known all along that there were thoughts Ianto hardly understood himself. "I missed you more often than you could know."

8. One Single Moment by kayim - Twilight, Carlisle/Esme [G] - A wonderful, quick piece set from Carlisle's point of view as he recalls meeting and turning Esme. Good stuff. None of that means anything to me really. 1921 was the year that my beloved Esme was born to me. She had, of course, been born 26 years earlier, in 1892, but it was in 1912 that I stole her remaining life and turned her into one of us.

9. Ironic by silly_bella - Twilight, Post New Moon, Edward/Bella, Alice/Jasper [no rating] - Alice talks with Edward after he ends things with Bella and then seeks comfort with Jasper. Good work with the characters and I’m a sucker for any Alice/Jasper. “You won’t last long without her, Edward,” I warned him. “You’ll go back.”

black donnellys, sports night, charmed, burn notice, twilight, torchwood, pairing: jack/ianto, pairing: edward/bella, brothers & sisters, pairing: dan/casey, pairing: tommy/kevin, miscellaneous, pairing: alice/jasper, multifandom

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