I am not dead, nor have I run away and left Steph stranded, though she likes to make it seem that way. So yes, sorry about disappearing and leaving y'all to deal with lots of bandom, bandom, bandom. I hope I'm back, but I'm wary of saying that outright. Slowly catching up on my reading!
So let's get to Supernatural.
Supernatural (15 Recs)
First Hour by
merryish - Pre-series [G] - This made me wibble a little bit, but it’s so perfect and I want to believe that’s really how Sam began his time at Stanford, with a phone call to his brother. I love Dean and how much he loves Sam, and I love how Sam knows that and wants Dean to know he feels the same. "No, see, I read this article that said when you leave a puppy alone, you should give it something that smells like you, you know, something comforting. That way it doesn't cry like a little girl all night long."
Radical Feminism by
setissma - Sam/Girl!Dean [NC-17] - A curse turns Dean into a hot girl and Sam has to deal with what that means. It’s awesome crack fic that made me laugh and still got me with an “aww” at the end. “I feel kind of funny,” Dean says, in a tone of voice Sam’s definitely never heard him use before, and Sam notices that all his clothes are way too loose and that he’s shorter. His hair is longer too, which makes absolutely no sense unless -
Ride the Highway West by
esorlehcar - Sam/Dean [PG] - It’s part of her
down to the end ‘verse set at the end. It’s death fic with schmoop! But really it’s all about how much Sam and Dean love each other and that’s all I need most days. He wakes suddenly, in the dead hour just before dawn. Everything is still and quiet, Sam's fast asleep beside him, but something feels off. There's an odd presence in the air, something out of place, something that doesn't belong in this haven he and Sam have built.
The Apocalypse Inside You by
la_folle_allure - Sam/Dean [NC-17] - Sam gets hurt dealing with a Selkie and it gives him certain abilities, which he uses on Dean. I loved how Sam constantly holds onto Dean in this. It’s perfect. It all starts when a selkie tackles Sam off the Long Wharf and he falls into the Boston Harbor. Connor - the man who gets them into this mess in the first place - is screaming and swearing from the sidelines, threatening them if they hurt Sophie. Dean can’t hear his ravings over the crashing of the water against the wharf.
That Stain Will Never Come Out by
memphis86 - Sam/Dean [NC-17] - I loved this fic. Dean is trying to make sense of what he and Sam are doing, thinking he’s ruining Sam, and all the while Sam is jealous of the Impala and wants more from Dean. It’s one of those fics where you want to bang their heads together, but the end is just wonderful. And it’s really hot. Dean opens his eyes. Sam's beneath him, face tight and eyes squeezed shut. Strained muscles of his neck jutting out, strings of tendons sliding against sweat-slicked skin. The room lit by the dull glow of the motel sign.
The Greatest Thing You’ll Ever Learn by
clex_monkie89 - Sam/Dean [PG-13] - This is a remix of
He Had Always Known (which I definitely recommend as well) and it’s brilliant. It’s basically a love story between Sam & Dean throughout the years and how Sam and Dean’s worlds are wrapped up in each other. Just perfect. When Sammy is three, he and Dean and Daddy watch Ghostbusters at Pastor Jim's big church. Dean's voice is high and awed next to him, and Daddy's heart is loud and steady under his ear. He's tired and it's late and he falls asleep with Daddy rubbing his back and Dean giggling about s'mores.
Take Two by
lizzypaul - Post What Is and What Should Never Be, Sam/Dean - Set in the dream world, where Dean stabs himself, but doesn’t wake up back in reality, and he tries to make sense of two sets of memories and ends up hunting. I loved this story and I loved the Sam & Dean relationship (of both realities). When Dean opened his eyes, he saw white tiled ceiling. The room smelled sharp, antiseptic, so different from the smell of filth and metal at the abandoned building. Then Sam’s face came into view, full of concern and fear, and Dean honestly didn’t know whose Sammy he was, or even who he was.
The Road Goes Ever On and On by
luzdeestrellas - Post All Hell Breaks Loose Part 2 [PG] - This is a great gen piece. It’s happy fic where Sam gets to celebrate his birthday with his brother. It just makes you smile because it’s so perfectly Sam & Dean. Sam turns twenty-five on a Friday, and Dean's still here, cursing up a blue streak, dirt in his hair and under his nails, smudged down his cheek and over his eyebrows. He feels like axis and gravity beside Sam, his grin curving bright and dangerous, full of endless possibility.
One King and a Colt by
apetslife - Post All Hell Breaks Loose Part 2, Sam/Dean [NC-17] - It’s a first time fic with an interesting way of handling the deal with the demon. Mostly, I love the Sam voice in this piece and how much he loves Dean and how he would do anything to keep him. Sam calls it research time. Dean calls it a WASTE of time, and bitches the whole drive about the horde of evil things out there waiting to be killed. But he sleeps for two days without so much as twitching, and Sam spends quite a few hours sitting on the chair across from his bed, just watching him breathe.
The World's a Small Child in the Dark by Stele3 - Post All Hell Breaks Loose Part 2, Sam/Dean [NC-17] - Dean makes a list of things he wants to do before he dies while Sam comes up with his own plan to save his brother. This story is funny, achy, and so perfect to how much Sam & Dean love one another. It’s a first time story that works and I loved the way Sam faces down Dean’s deal. Sam imagines Dean scrawling this list down in a diner somewhere, sitting alone at the table while Sam was outside or in the bathroom or something, just a quick pit stop between a dozen or so exorcisms and crappy food and the physical ache of car seats. He suddenly feels sick, goes into a bathroom stall and leans over the stained toilet there, his mouth hanging open and his eyes watering. Instead of puking, though, he starts choking up, suppressed sobs jerking his diaphragm but never quite making it past his chest.
Nobody Told You When to Run by
sneaky_sena - Post All Hell Breaks Loose Part 2, Sam/Dean [NC-17] - A lovely remix of kashmir’s story,
Now’s a Bad Time As Any (highly recommend as well). I love the Dean point of view in this, how he wants to make things right for Sam because that’s all that matters in the end. And I love how defiant Sam is with his love for Dean. Great. The thing is, Dean's never really done anything. Not anything important. He's never done anything that anyone will ever remember him for, so when he's gone, he's really going to be gone.
Dangled from a Rope of Sand by
elohvee - Post All Hell Breaks Loose Part 2, Sam/Dean [R] - This fic made me ache. It’s beautifully written and I love Sam & Dean in this piece - Dean’s resignation to his fate and Sam’s stubborn hope of saving him. It’s wonderful, but packs a punch. "Don't you get mad at me," Dean warns. His grip on the gun tightens, just so he can hold onto something. Sam wants to say, how can I not? you idiot, you fucking idiot-but he just nods and closes his eyes and shakes his head and says, "Okay."
The Lord is My Shepherd by
kroki_refur - Post Magnificent Seven - An interesting intermixing of current storyline with the past as Dean tries to deal with his choices and behaves accordingly. I really loved Dean’s voice and emotions in this. When Dean realises he doesn’t want to die, he’s lying on a stained mattress in a motel room that smells of stale cigarettes, and it’s already too late.
Apples Don’t Far From Trees by
ladybug218 - Post The Kids are Alright [PG] - This is a great missing scene from the episode as Ben and Sam have a conversation while the kids are returned home. I love how awkward Sam is with Ben, mostly because it shows how great Dean really is when it comes to kids. It's a good thing they have the Impala and could pile all those kids in the back seat to deliver them safely back to their homes, though Sam admits to driving a little extra carefully since they obviously aren't in seatbelts.
Straight on ‘Til Morning by
lyra_wing - Post The Kids are Alright [PG-13] - Sam finds Dean and they have a short talk about things. I love how much still goes unsaid, but is firmly communicated between the boys in this. It’s a great coda to the episode. The sound tips Dean off first - it's a sound he'd recognize anywhere. He hears the rumbling engine long before Sam turns the corner into the neighborhood. Dean looks up, watching Sam get out of the car and stride over towards him.