Hi, I'm Dolimir, today's guest reccer. Seeing as this is a polyfandom reccomendation community, I decided to reccomend stories in a couple different fandoms, although Supernatural will be my main focus as that is where the majority of my fandom interest currently lies. My chosen topic is:
Photographic Evidence by Soraya.
Pairing: Clex (Clark/Lex) (Slash)
Rating: PG-13 to R (for implied sexual act)
Basic Premise: A photojournalist catches President Luthor having an affair with Superman in Japan while his husband, Clark Kent, is supposedly back home in the States.
Sidenote: Possibly the best outside point of view story in the Smallville fandom.
Yellow Means Slow by
rageprufrockPairing: Clex (Implied Slash)
Rating: R
Basic Premise: Martha's observations of Clark and Lex's relationship while Lex is struggling with meteor-induced cancer.
Sidenotes: While Martha is not really an outsider character, she is in the context of this AU story. She is on the outside, looking in, struggling to understand the relationship her son has with Lex, trying to find the balance between being a good mother and a good friend. Yes, this story is a death fic. Yes, it will rip your heart out and stomp on it and yet, despite the tears, you can't help but feel a joy that Clark had Lex in his life, if only for a little while.
Just A Face On A Train by katheryne.
Pairing: None. Gen
Rating: G
Basic Premise: A waitress recognizes Peter as Spiderman when he stops in her restaurant for a meal. How do you thank someone who rescued you when you thought you were going to die?
Sidenotes: This story is found at fanfiction.net. It's a sweet story, one I can honestly wish might happen for Peter.
Stargate: Atlantis
Zoh-onna Omote by
losyarkPairing: None. Gen
Rating: G
Basic Premise: This wonderfully written pieces gives us the backstory for Miko Kusanagi and her life on Atlantis.
Sidenotes: I don't watch Stargate Atlantis, but I wanted to after I read this story. A poetic look at a woman torn between tradition and the future.
Accidents Will Happen by
holliPairing: None. Gen.
Rating: PG
Basic Premise: Some Goth teenagers accidentally resurrect John Winchester. No, seriously.
Sidenotes: Seriously funny story. The protagonist's voice is just perfect.
Accountability by
Pairing: None. Gen
Rating: PG
Basic Premise: Karl Buckman was the driver of the semi that hit the Impala at the end of Season One. Karl desperately wants to apologize for the accident.
Sidenotes: I love this character and the way Dodger handled him. The twist at the end made this piece especially poignant.
Many Windows by
eighth_horizon. Part of
Second Sight AU universe.
Pairing: None. G
Rating: G
Basic Premise: In this series, Sam loses his sight in the final battle with the Demon. Ruth Hanson lives next door to the boys.
Sidenotes: A sweet look at the boys from another point of view.
The Amazing Adventures of Freakboy and Dykegirl by
stele3Pairing: None, really
Rating: Gen. Ranges from G-R
Basic Premise: Kim Watson is a bounty hunter. On a hunt, she comes across one Dean Winchester, Demon Hunter. This is a story about their adventures.
Sidenotes: I didn't read this story for AGES because I hated the title. But one Saturday I was bored and started it. Man, am I glad I did. I adore reading about Kim, a gay bounty hunter and her adventures with her hetero life partner, Dean. I remember finishing the dinosaur arc, my neighbors were playing really loud music and once I finished the story I just yelled, "Fuck, yeah" because it was just that satisfying. This is an ongoing work in progress. However, if you read just Chapter 1-26, you have the first arc of the story. Unfortunately, the author doesn't do very well with links or tags so you have to read it from the first page and go back and forth.
Pressing My Luck by
astrothsknotPairing: Het. Dean/Officer Kathleen (from Benders).
Rating: NC17
Basic Premise: Dean keeps in touch with the officer that helped him save Sam from the Benders.
Storynotes: I really liked the character of Officer Kathleen in the show. With this story, I like the idea that Dean feels like he owes her and keeps in touch, eventually coming back to town for moral support once the trial for the Bender boys starts. I like that Kathleen is an older woman, who knows she shouldn't be wanting a felon, but can't seem to help herself. I also like that it's basically really hot het. *g*
Runt of the Litter by
Pairing: None. Gen
Rating: G
Basic Premise: While cleaning out a hell hound lair, the boys find the runt of the litter. Sam always wanted a puppy and Dean never could say no.
Sidenotes: The puppy's point of view doesn't come into play until the fourth story (there are only five so far), but all the stories are fairly short so I thought I'd start the reccomendation with the first story. This series is just too precious and I want more!!
If you enjoyed any of these stories, please take a moment and give the author a little sugar. Authors always appreciate knowing they're not throwing their work out into a void.