I am totally trying to get caught up on all the fic that I have bookmarked! So let's start with my main fandom and its crazy productiveness!
Supernatural (12Recs)
Skinning Schrodinger’s Cat by
lyra_wing - Sam/Dean - Set in an alternate universe, Sam comes back from the future with an important message for Dean. I love the Future Sam in this and how Dean still tries to be the big brother to an older-than-him Sam. So very good. Dean, not pausing in his shovelling, smirks and replies, "Bifrons, more like," before he realizes that Sam isn't supposed to be here. Sam is back at the apartment, studying.
Any Other Day by
veronamay - Sam/Dean - I so love the schmoop in this fandom. I love the angst too, but I love those happy, fluffy moments between Sam and Dean…and the Dean voice here as he realizes he’s broken and really will do anything for Sam? So perfect. There's nobody on the streets, which given it's about ten below freezing isn't that surprising. Dean hunches into his jacket and ducks his head against the sleet blowing into his face, knowing he'll be soaked by the time he gets back. Sam better leave him some hot water, or Dean's going to put his cold feet all the way up his spine when they go to bed.
Cherry (or the Things You Learn About a Guy) by
lyra_wing - Sam/Dean - First time fic! Sam finds a tube of lube in Dean’s bag and becomes obsessed with it and what Dean does with it. It’s good first time fic, and it brings the brotherly bickering. The thing about living every single day with your brother - driving for endless miles in the same car, sharing motel rooms, sharing practically everything - the thing about that was, even though you each had your own possessions, you had a basic idea of every single thing your brother owned.
Goes Both Ways by
iamentheos - Pre-Series - A ficlet on how Sam misses Dean, but he’ll be damned if he breaks first this time. I really loved this short piece and not just because it was written for me, but because of the Sam voice here. It’s obvious that he loves and misses his brother, but he’s still Sam and still stubborn. I love it when my favorite writers come to my favorite fandom! It’s been one of those days where nothing has gone right and he can’t figure out exactly why and he comes home wanting a beer and something else.
Towards Dean by
wine_into_water - Pre-Series - Everything that Sam has learned, his whole foundation, is built around Dean. I’ll warn there is character death in this story. It’s upsetting, but very good. The only memories he has of his mother are fake and constructed bits and pieces he's gathered over the years from what his father and Dean have told him. How her hair smelled, how her eyes sparkled, her voice soft and soothing, and a smile that could make a blind man take notice.
Desperation by
mands_angelfox - Post Crossroad Blues, Sam/Dean - In the aftermath of the episode, with Dean’s lack of response lingering in the air, Sam sets out to make sure Dean knows how much he matters to Sam. It’s got angst and schmoop and really hot sex. I will warn though that the POV is a bit erratic in its switch from Sam to Dean sometimes, but still very worthy of a read. Dean doesn’t look at or speak to Sam because he knows - knows Sam will want to talk about this, and there is nothing to talk about. So what if he’d considered it? Wasn’t dad’s life worth the sacrifice? Dad was in hell and that was all Dean’s fault; nothing Sam or anyone else could say would ever make that okay.
Birds on a Wire by
killabeez - Post Hunted, Sam/Dean - This is one of those first time Sam/Dean stories where it’s fucked up and Dean has trouble making sense of it and yet it just seems so damn inevitable. I love the Dean voice here and Sam’s lost feelings. So good.
Part Two. It's not much, but a little of the tension goes out of Sam's stiff shoulders. And it's kind of ridiculous how far that goes toward settling Dean's nerves, but after the day they've had, he figures he's earned it.
At the Altar of Splintered Wood and Broken Promises by
krisomniac - Post Houses of the Holy, Sam/Dean - Sam realizes that there may be other ways of prayer. This story is quiet and touching and just so wonderful. The relationship between Sam and Dean is great. Just to warn - the flashbacks aren’t that obvious at first glance, but it’s nothing too jarring. Dean's face lit up like Christmas just came early, and Sam's earlier anger and frustration at the stupid vibrating bed slowly melted away in the hollows of his brother's dimples, in the crinkles that appeared at the corners of his eyes.
Nightshifter Coda by
annalazarus - Post Nightshifter, Sam/Dean - I loved this. Sam and Dean needing comfort in each other but not really getting it, trying to hide their worries in one another, and how much Dean really wants to let go of everything that burdens them, but can’t do that to Sam. It’s great. They’ll swear that the shaking is the comedown from the adrenaline rush, that they’re clinging to each other like the only piece of flotsam in an ocean because they’re exhausted, nothing else.
Winners Use the Door by
musesfool - Post Born Under a Bad Sign, Sam/Dean - Sam has thoughts about Dean and he’s pretty sure Dean would freak out. I love first time fic, but what I love most about this story is the fact that Sam realizes Dean is all he needs. The problem, of course, is that when he thinks about guys, he's not really thinking about guys so much as he's thinking about Dean.
Hopeful Monster by
monster_of_hope - Post Born Under a Bad Sign - The author said this was pre-slash Sam/Dean, but I honestly don’t see it all. It reads as gen fic with regular brotherly love, and an interesting monster of the week story. Mostly though, I love the fierceness that is Dean’s love for Sam. Part two can be found
here. Just a dream? Dean switched on a table lamp, revealing the cheap South Dakota motel room. Bobby had told them to get out of town last night, but they had been too wasted.
Give Me a Leonard Cohen Afterworld by
musesfool - Post Born Under a Bad Sign - Sam wakes up one morning with the life he always dreamed of, except for one thing. I loved this story so much, the idea of Sam finally getting the life he always wanted, but realizing what was most important to him. I love how even without being featured too much in the story, it’s still so damn obvious how fiercely protective Dean is of his baby brother. And it’s just a really bittersweet, wonderful story.
Link to part 2. Sam wakes up, and the first thing he realizes is that someone else is in bed with him--there's an arm draped across his belly and a pair of feet tucked against his calves. He freezes.