REC: Mythbusters: Robots Need Love Too, by Toft

May 08, 2010 02:02

Title: Robots Need Love Too
Fandom: Mythbusters (RPF AU)
Author: Toft
Wordcount: 3.3k
Genre: Friendship, kids-as-kids, neurodiversity
Warnings: None
Pairings: None
Official Summary: "Everybody, this is Adam," says Educator Kari. She's standing next to a skinny kid with red hair, who's still wearing the white and blue jumpsuit they give new people. He's also wearing a cape.

I don't normally read RPF, which I mention only in case that label might scare anyone off here. "Robots Need Love Too" doesn't read as (what I think of as) RPF to me. This is a future-fic AU using the names and personalities we see on the show "Mythbusters", but with Jamie and Adam as kids on a spaceship. The POV here is Jamie's, and it really felt like a child's perspective of the world to me. This is a gentle, lovely story about two kids who are just different and the ways they get by, with the help of - or sometimes despite - the adults around them.

(Note: An associated story in the same 'verse is linked at the bottom of "Robots"; it isn't explicit, but it is Grant/Kari 'ship rather than gen.)

type:fic, cat:rec, fandom:mythbusters

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