אביב בעוד שנייה

Mar 02, 2010 22:56

This weekend was Purim, actually it was this Sunday and as a result there were parties every night with no critical mass. Nature decided to literally be a wet blanket, intermittently pouring buckets of rain and blowing cold wind around the building corners.

Still, it was good to go out and see costumes and feel a part of Tel Aviv's night life. There were also various moments that were pure Israel. Strolling down Sderot Rothchild at 1:30 am Saturday night we came across a group of ultra-orthodox jews that had set up a table in the middle of the sdera. With their austere black "penguin" suits and never ending side curls they read from a scroll-like bible and called on passerbyers to join them. Accompanying them at the table were two Smurfs, their blue hands firmly gripping a book, their blue faces firm in concentration. It was an adorable moment of cultural blending.

Today was my first day back at the Technion (and also the first day of the semester) after a long weekend. It was bustling and good, I enjoy the feeling of stretching my brain and learning learning learning all day long. At the end I went to my usual belly dancing class and felt myself unusually loosened. I still can't get my body to fully comply but I just threw myself into the hip swerves and arm waves and felt sexy and lithe.

Of course there are mild amounts of anxiety that peep out from behind objects in the room but for now I can push them aside and focus on the impending spring and the work that needs to be done.
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