Jan 22, 2009 09:03
I bought a bunch of xbox 360 games with my Christmas monies and have so far been incredibly happy with my purchases.
I got Left 4 dead and although was sort of lost for a while by the time I'd gotten to the first safe room had more or less figured out what was going on. Sometimes you just need to be a 6'2" biker covered in Tats killing mutant zombie hordes.
As for the rest of the games I got: I feel like I'm catching up to the early 2000's with everyone else.
My Brother sent me Prince of Persia and I haven't yet played it, but look forward to it.
I also got The Orange Box.
Holy Crap Portal is fun. I don't believe I've ever had that much fun with a puzzle game before. I find it challenging without being too hard and the minimal story is sweetly demented.
Doing Science and having Cake. mmm.
Too be honest I have never played HalfLife and didn't see what the hype was when the second one came out. But I have to say..its kind of a laugh riot. And the frequent auto-saves fit into my busy life schedule :P
I think I'm finally over my cold. I can't believe I've spent most of January ill with one thing or another. grr. And I finally got my hair cut. 11" total. Donated it to Locks of Love. I now sport a much shorter cut, that is still past my jaw. It's taking some getting used to because my hair is now CURLY. Who knew. I may go back to the stylist and have her explain my hair again. But much like a puzzle game..I think I'll get it eventually.