This is my DITL (Day In The Life).
This is part of
Parentwin's DITL challenge. Go check her out, she's pretty awesome.
It was February 17th. I day I chose for it's perfect ordinariness. On one side we had Valentines Day and on the other we had leaving town for a family trip. Those aren't really representative of our day to day life, though. I would have put it up sooner, but we just got back last night. Trips with twin 2 year olds can knock you out.
So, here it is.
February 17th, 2011
Janel, Georgia
Woke up in the morning. Husband (R) had already left for work. P (my son) climbed into bed sometime in the morning, J (my daughter) was in bed with us already as she had been sick the night before (which is why she's got a t-shirt on instead of the pyjamas she had started the previous night in). It's still cold enough at night to warrant the big comforter.
Morning waffles. Blueberry, heart shaped. I don't think I have an explanation for the hammer.
J plays with ribbon from the beer, pretzel and wasabi chocolate that I had given to R for Valentines Day. The flowers were from him to me, along with a big heart shaped box of See's dark chocolate candy. Mmmmmm.
P plays with some blocks and his clock.
Lunchtime. Annie's Mac N Cheese with vegetables added in, big juicy blackberries and some meatballs.
Naptime. They went down to nap easy this day.
Time for me to wake them up. P has climbed into J's bed. Notice the lack of bedskirt on J's bed? Yeah. That was tagged in the previous evening's sick. It's in the dryer.
The nice weather prompted us to set up some obstacle courses and get to some outside play.
P contemplates the sand.
Evidently this is what he was contemplating. J heartily approves. You can see her owl, Te Amo in the sandbox in front of her. Te Amo goes pretty much everywhere she goes.
Dinner. It was a ridiculously beautiful day still, so we ate outside. Cheeseburgers, sweet potato fries, fruit cups and some of the leftover mac and cheese from lunch, as the slight sick from the night before is making for some severe pickness. R is inside fixing up his plate and pouring a beer. My hopefullness for Spring is shown in the planters on the table. The previous weekend the kids and I had planted some herb seeds. Maybe we'll get some yummy plants. Also visible is J's rock collection. She likes stacking and balancing them. P thinks it's pretty neat, too, and often stacks them, himself.
Bathtime. P shows us that he knows the number "5" and can say it, J plays with a duck and an orca whale. She believes in accessories. R is telling P "good" for saying his numbers.
Getting in some daddy love after putting on pyjamas and brushing our teeth.
J, fast asleep, several hours later. Sigh.
P. He went to sleep nearly immediately, but we were too preoccupied with J to take pictures then.
That's my allotment. 15 pictures from morning 'til night. We went to sleep around 1 AM or so. It was a normal day. Not terribly different or interesting, but good enough for us.