The Architect - Act II (The Barrier)

Dec 02, 2009 20:40

4-8; The Architect - Act II (The Barrier)
The Carousel animals have come to life and soon citizens will find out there's plenty more where they came from. The cheerful colorful creatures have only one thing in mind and that's to attack the button pushers and the curse victims from last month's event. Don't worry, they don't want to kill you, but they'll bite here or scratch there then speak the name of the cursed to the pusher or the pusher to the cursed before leaving. Leaving to attack-er...inform the next citizen that is. That's not the end of it though. The fun is only just beginning. [Stay tuned for more information on this event and yes characters can fight the Carousel animals off however the animals cannot be captured or killed.]

The Rundown...On Runaway Animals!

As the curse states! The Carousel animals will be coming to life and targeting characters who participated in the Box Plot. They have no special powers except for indestructibility and will basically fight in whatever way their basic form allows. This means horses will trample, tigers will ambush, bears will maul, and dragons will claw (but can fly no higher than the 12 main apartment buildings). Aquatic animals that would live in a water environment can attack only in a body of water, so yes a character can be attacked by a Carousel dolphin while swimming in the ocean. In addition to the riding animals, creatures depicted on the sides of the Carousel will come to life for the same purpose. Although all of these creatures can be fought off they cannot be captured or killed. Similarly, none of the animals intend to kill citizens! While the animals are doing this, the Carousel itself will be empty, completely stripped of color, though it will continue to spin and have lights.

The Carousel animals will be attacking only those who participated in the Box Plot, but this is also optional. If you don't want your character to know who their button pushing affected or who pushed the button that affected them then you may just play the plot off as if no animal had come to attack them. For pairs of characters where both players want only one character to know the name of another you may play this plot as if an animal came to attack only one character instead of both. Refer to this post if you can't remember your matches. Players please be courteous and clear as to whether you want your character's name given or not.

The 5th of December!

During the middle of Saturday, some of the Carousel animals will head towards the Barrier. Attacks resulting in the names of button pushers and curse victims can still occur after the 4th, just note that this will be going on as well. For the event the Barrier has shrunk, meaning there is now an invisible "wall" only half a mile from the shores of the City and a single foot above the highest tip of the Mountain. The Barrier also extends only half a mile deep into the Underground. What the Carousel animals will be doing here is attacking the Barrier, creating rips and tears in it. They will essentially be tearing the Barrier apart. If your character should venture out to see what's on the other side of the Barrier, some of the things they might see are...

- a bird's eye view of part of their homeworld
- a ground view of part of their homeworld (like the street in front of their house)
- the cold starry darkness of outer space
- a thick gray fog with shadows darting around
- a pulsating wall of flesh and blood
- hellfire and brimstone and people being tortured
- make it up!

Players can get creative about what their characters see as long as it doesn't constitute infomodding, for ex. a vision of a memory from another character's childhood without that player's permission or a vision of an event that happened in secret without that player's consent. These examples are infomodding. Visions of how the plot will end or of the Deities themselves are not allowed. Visions of possible futures pertaining to characters are allowed with player consent. Please respect the wishes of players who do not want the future timeline of their character spoiled. In all cases, visions can become vague after the event and as always characters are free to dismiss the visions as nothing more than City trickery. It's true, the City can and will play false visions if you want them.

In addition to seeing what's on the other side, characters can push through (or fall through) the rips in an attempt to get back to their homeworld or to explore the fog, etc. If this happens characters will find themselves back home. So~rt o~f...! Characters who pass through tears in the Barrier will roll out of the closet, the mirror, from under the bed, whatever, into a room in a place familiar to them, for ex. the character's bedroom at home or a studio where they tend to work. In all cases, it must be a room with walls, a ceiling, and at least one door. The catch is there is no way out of the room. Windows and doors will be sealed shut, preventing your character from leaving the room. No one will hear them, no one else will be in the location. Guess it isn't home after all is it? Characters who try hard enough can break down the door but what they find on the other side might be even more disturbing.

Mausoleum: Characters who break down the door enter their very own dimly lit mausoleum, just big enough to walk around a little bit and sit on a stone bench. The door back to their room will sink into the wall, in other words there is no way back. There is another door in the mausoleum however this too is sealed shut and can't break open.

Characters stuck in a room or mausoleum will find that they do not need to eat, drink, or do any other bodily things while they are there. Yes, characters can get stuck together however we ask that characters stuck together do not exceed three. In this situation the room will reflect only one character's homeworld.

The 8th of December!

In both cases, a character who doesn't break down the room door or a character who gets stuck in the mausoleum, the only true way out is at the end of the event. At 11:59pm EST, December 8, both room door and mausoleum door will burst open on their own, flooding the room or mausoleum...with dirt. Lots and lots and lots of dirt. Only dirt! Endless dirt! Why? Because once your character is buried alive, in complete darkness, near suffocation, if they have a will to liiiive they can fight their way through the dirt...thus digging themselves out of a burial plot in the City Graveyard. This time they don't have to fight so hard, a will to live is strong enough to get them clawing for air. Characters who don't have the will to fight their way through the dirt will die and become City!Dead, there is no death exemption for this event. For characters who die from being buried alive, they will be dug out by the City's own ninjas and will wake up as City!Dead in the Graveyard.

For both room and mausoleum, characters will have their Network device with them and can communicate with the rest of the City, including characters in other rooms or mausoleums. The dirt from the burial will not damage a Network device!

As for the damage to the Barrier, well the Deities have a plan for that and you can be sure they'll be making an announcement for it on the Network. Stay tuned for more!
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