HMD [A - K]

May 29, 2009 03:00

HMD [A - K]

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Icarus (called Caru) misterblackbird May 29 2009, 07:01:08 UTC
Player name: Icarus (called Caru)
Characters played:

♛ Cain Hargreaves | Godchild | misterblackbird
♖ Katan | Angel Sanctuary | one_that_leads

Personal concrit link: In the hopes that you may find it useful and informative.

Anonymous allowed/encouraged? Y/N: Yes and yes, and IP logging is off in my personal con/crit post.

Other comments? I'd be glad of any comments, questions, remarks, advice, suggestions, or thoughts regarding these two. I've been debating about dropping Katan, but I just can't let him go yet. How did I drop to only two characters? I have plans for more--specifically, I want to bring a particular one back (hint hint). Otherwise, please, tell me anything. I always get inspired after HMD--for whatever reason, it always makes me want to play more.

Still first >:3


Caru tops mollypocket May 29 2009, 07:42:39 UTC
Funny that you mention dropping Katan. I feel I'm at an end or at least approaching an end with Gabriel. Would you like to combine our waning angelic powers for plottage and doom?

I've always had a fondness for your Katan. Unfortunately I only ever got so far as the first manga and the godawful OVA that made zero sense. I prefer what you've done so much more.

As for Cain? He's our poly pimp. And he works it easy.


Easily misterblackbird May 29 2009, 07:49:54 UTC
I'm still debating about it. I mean, I made a post with him today (finally) and I realized how much I still enjoy playing him. But I do feel like I've carried him about as far as he can go for the duration. He's been here a year and a half now (or very nearly that), and a great deal of that without Rosiel.

I could easily see a little plottage with waning angelic powers, but let me settle on whether or not I'm set on dropping him. Give me a little time.

That OVA... I watched it, but I rather pretend it doesn't exist. And Katan is an odd character in the manga. He seems to vanish for a massive part of the story but, oh wait, there he is, in the background, carrying Rosiel's coat. And then he's OMG HUGELY SIGNIFICANT again. Either way, I never expected to love him as much as I do, and I'm glad you're so fond of him. That's why these debates about dropping or not have been raging. Must think on this a while.

♥ It's hard out here for a pimp.


Jus' how you roll mollypocket May 29 2009, 07:54:39 UTC
Whatever you decide, I'm sure it'll be excellent. I like having Katan about. Hanging in the shadows ready to get your coat dundundun. I guess this would be my excuse to play with you more too. I didn't realize how much time was without Rosiel. That's very impressive! Extra kudos for that.

I just couldn't stomach Angel Sanctuary very far. I don't even know why. Maybe I'll give it another chance sometime.


misterblackbird May 29 2009, 07:57:31 UTC
♥ I like having him about too, being a spy, watching everything...and being patient for Rosiel ;3; Well, it's been several months without Rosiel. I couldn't give you an exact count. But, I'll give it some thought on what to do with him.

Angel Sanctuary is weird. I won't deny it for a moment. Sometimes it just doesn't click for people. I found it fascinating, but I'm rather weird myself. Give it a shot, if you ever get the notion. I'd love to hear your thoughts on it.


Re: Icarus (called Caru) basstardchuck May 29 2009, 07:49:12 UTC
I have only interacted with Cain so far and it was brief, too brief. Plus I don't know the canon, so I can't tell if he's in character or not. But I see from his posts to the Network that you keep him consistent (yes, that is a bit of a kink of mine. sue me). And I don't think one could ask for more.


Re: Icarus (called Caru) misterblackbird May 29 2009, 07:53:01 UTC
Far too brief, in my opinion. Can we do it again sometime?

Ah ha ha, well, here's hoping that my consistency is in-character. Regardless, it is good to know that I don't seem to be all over the board with him. That's a comfort. Consistency is something. And I've had him so long I worry sometimes that I've gotten too comfortable with his voice, or I assume that whatever I say is in-character when it might not be. So, thanks! Consistent is good :3


Re: Icarus (called Caru) basstardchuck May 29 2009, 08:01:05 UTC
Oh you can count on it! More tagging!!!!!!


Re: Icarus (called Caru) misterblackbird May 29 2009, 08:08:48 UTC
Awesome! Looking forward to it!


Re: Icarus (called Caru) repeatshimself May 29 2009, 07:50:41 UTC

I have failed so hard in tagging Cain. I still think he's fantastic even though I don't know his canon and I still think that you are amazing with your ability to write text. Please keep up the work. I promise I will attempt to tag more in the future.


Re: Icarus (called Caru) misterblackbird May 29 2009, 07:59:46 UTC
Nah~ You haven't failed. It's all right, really! But, I'd love to tag with you more in the future, so let's try for that.

And, thank you! Even if you don't know the canon, I'm glad he's impressive (hopefully not too tl;dr...every HMD I promise up and down that I'll rein in the tl;dr...and it never quite works). If you enjoy reading it and threading with him, I'll definitely keep up the work. ♥


songofdreams May 29 2009, 07:58:17 UTC
Cain is still as awesome as I remember him. He's been in the City for... 2 years or more now right? And yet how you manage to keep him IC and research all the tl;dr shows dedication to the character.

I've also picked up Godchild because of you, Caru.

It's not much of a crit, I know, but you deserve a lot of love. I hope you continue to enjoy playing Cain, because I really love reading his tl;dr.


misterblackbird May 29 2009, 08:03:53 UTC
Yes! Two years as of May the 3rd. I remember joining and seeing people who'd been in the game for a year or more and thinking, "Wow...that's a long cool is that?!" That's been some of my weird motivation for keeping him around (although sometimes I think I almost feel guilty for not letting him go home...).

I really enjoy playing him. What more can I say? I picked him up those two years ago wanting to join Poly, but I wasn't sure with who. So I picked him up. Almost at random. I liked his series, I'd been a bit of a fangirl about it... And look where it's gotten me.

Truth be told, it's grown on me. I've taken to enjoying the research, the details, the little things I can throw in (tashiro_kun can vouch for the research parts |D We're both like that!). I worry that I'm too tl;dr with him sometimes and every HMD I promise to rein in the tl;dr (and it never quite works ( ... )


songofdreams May 29 2009, 08:33:20 UTC
There's always a danger when posting tl;dr as some people might not read it. In Uta's case, she hates tl;dr so I have to skim through Cain's post and post a comment, tag, before I just read it for myself.

Also, I apologize for dropping tags... this month's just gone to hell...

Stay classy, Caru~


misterblackbird May 29 2009, 08:40:58 UTC
I know there is. And I know for a fact that it scares some people off. That's some of my motivation to go out and tag them so there's interaction without having to wait for them to come to me--because they'd have to get over the hurdle of the tl;dr, and I can't count on that happening.

Anyway, I know there's a danger to it, so I try to keep it as un-tl;dr as possible while still being comfortably tl;dr for me. It's a funny balance that I don't always hit. But I do appreciate Uta commenting, absolutely :3

S'all right. I've had months like that too. ... Actually, the last two weeks have been like that, but it's cooled off again.



songofdreams May 29 2009, 13:16:53 UTC
...orz;;; Might have failed in that comment there. *kicks her boss*

A sentence was lacking... There's a danger to being tl;dr but I can see the effort you put in interacting with others that makes it near impossible to ignore Cain while staying in character. I'm trying to learn from your example as I'm planning to play someone with similar characteristics.

So yeah, Caru, why so awesome? ;.;


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