May we have your attention please! [Activity and HMD]

Aug 25, 2008 00:28

And lo, doth a mod post descend from on high...

Well, not quite. But we would like your attention to draw away from posting for just a moment for some serious business.

Issue One; Activity Rules

We've noticed some increasing complaints in the department of activity. First off, let me take this opportunity to direct you to the official outlet for these complaints, here, in our complaint section. So far, exempting characters being taken for repeatedly making the inactivity list, this is your option for getting things done about the character that isn't really doing up to snuff. As of now, at three complaints, they receive a letter, much in the way of the characterization complaints. But what we'd like to look at now is more geared towards what constitutes a character being taken away for inactivity.

As of right now, we only take action to remove a character if they make the inactivity list twice in a row, with no hiatus to cover. [It may also be worth noting that, even if they're declared, or if you come off of one, but go right back on, a hiatus only covers a maximum of one month concerning activity.] We've heard multiple suggestions on what could make this system better, so we've decided to put it to a vote, if you'd please participate. ♥ I'll try and answer any questions I can, if you have them, and please feel free to debate and raise concerns in comments.

Poll Concerning Possible Inactivity Rule Changes:

Issue Two; Upcoming HMD



If you all remember, and for those who don't, last HMD we implemented a no-anon policy, after several rounds in a row of abusive anonymous comments. We gave it that trial period, and then polled the community, and the majority voted for anonymous to remain off.

However, for those who still wish to either receive or give anonymous commentary, we remind you of ye olde concrit posts. We're highly encouraging people to link to their concrit posts during this HMD, so that those who feel the urge for anonymous commentary can still have their two cents, too. The format we'll be giving you to fill out will look like this, and we'll provide it for you again come HMD time.

Player name:
Characters played: Character :: Fandom :: Character LJ
Personal concrit link:
Anonymous allowed/encouraged? Y/N:
Other comments?

So that's anon turned off and ip logging on, so let's not get foul mouthed. ♥ Another handy new change, we're splitting up the post, to prevent your poor browser from breaking. Something like... players Abe - Kurohiko in HMD [I] and Laekin - Zimon in HMD [II], so it will not be wading through a sea of comments to find the player you're looking for.

THAT SAID: Let's see some healthy discussion and voting, Poly! If you don't vote, then your voice won't be heard!
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